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HistoryDec 22, 2009 - 12:00 a.m.

paFileDB 3.1 XSS Redirect Vulnerability


No description provided by source.

[+] |____ViRuS_HiMa@YouR SyS__|__\              #
[+] |______________________|___||\*___          #
[+] |______________________|___||""|"*\___,     #
[+] |______________________|___||""|*"|___||    #
[+] "([ (@)''(@)""""""(|*(@)(@)********(@)*     #
[*] Title       : paFileDB 3.1 Xss Vuln as Redirecting Method .          ||
[!] Author      : ViRuS_HiMa                                             ||
[!] My Site     :                                      ||
[!] E-Mail      : eGypT_GoVeRnMenT[at]HoTmaiL[dot]CoM                    ||
[!] Location    : Null,Null,Data+From+Egypt+Where+City_Name=Cairo--      ||
[!]                      [H]eL[L] [Z]on[E] [C]re[W]                      ||

   Description :

   paFileDB Is a web library witch allow you to upload & download files

   to your site , bla bla bla :p

   Bug :

   it was vulned be4 to upload your evil files , from :

   some sites is asking you to register , , and others wasnt accept

   extensions except Images extensions , and more of problems .

   so we gonna use the same exploit but as xss method ,

   Enter the url , use this code :

  ">"">><meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0;url=">"">

   write the code in this fields :

   "File Name","Short Description","Long Description"

  and write any thing in the other fields ,

  in "Category" field you have to choose an category whech have the Negative mark "-"

  in  Screenshot field you can upload your phpshell ,

  if dosnt accept you can upload any image ,  what ever ,

  now press on Add File , Then go to :


  and enter the category where you post your xss code , ,

  cool its redirecting the site to your url that you put in the xss code

  ">"">><meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0;url=">"">
[!] ya providor y2goog we m2goog 3amlen eh :p [!]
[!] Selamat Datang saudraku Black_Raptor :)   [!]
[!] Greatz : Providor,HcJ,ExH,Sina,Hakxer,oXide,Dr-Plus,Mo3tz,Prof.Selim,         [!]
[!]          X@Injector,Maestro-dz,Kasper-ksa,Qahtan-Sniper,Mr.G7eeM And ze Otherz[!]