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HistoryJul 05, 2015 - 12:00 a.m.

CollabNet Subversion Edge insecure password change


Vuln Title: The CollabNet Subversion Edge management frontend does not require

current password upon password change

Date: 28.06.2015

Author: otr

Software Link:

Vendor: CollabNet

Version: 4.0.11

Tested on: Fedora Linux

Type: Insecure password change

Risk: Medium

Status: public/fixed

Fixed version: 5.0


2014-10-09 Flaw Discovered
2014-10-20 Vendor contacted
2014-10-21 Vendor response
2014-12-08 Vendor fix proposal
2014-12-08 Extension of embargo to 19.4.2015
2015-05-04 Extension of embargo until release of version 5.0
2015-05-18 Release of version 5.0 and public disclosure


The management frontend does not require the old password for changing the
password to a new one. An authenticated attacker may perform password setting
attacks via XSRF without knowing the current password. An attacker that stole a
Session ID (cookie) is able to gain persistent access by changing the password.

Fix proposal:

A password change should require the old password to be provided.

Vendor fix:

When a user is changing their password, they are now required to enter their
current password.