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HistoryAug 27, 2011 - 12:00 a.m.

[PT-2011-23] Database information disclosure in GLPI


 (PT-2011-23) Positive Technologies Security Advisory 

         Database information disclosure in GLPI

—[ Vulnerable software ]

            Version 0.80.1 and earlier

            Application link:       

—[ Severity level ]

            Severity level:                High
            Impact:                        Database information disclosure
            Access Vector:                 Network exploitable

           CVSS v2:
                   Base Score:     6.5
                   Vector:         (AV:N/AC:L/Au:S/C:P/I:P/A:P)

            CVE:   not assigned

—[ Software description ]

GLPI is a powerful enterprise ready-to-use suite that allows you to "build your own system" on the fly. It includes a help desk, a knowledge base, a time manager and a reporting system supported by highly configurable and extensible Action & Information Management System.

—[ Vulnerability description ]

Positive Research Center has discovered a database information disclosure vulnerability in GLPI.
The vulnerability can be exploited with a minimally privileged user account such as "post-only."
The vulnerable script is /ajax/autocompletion.php. An authorized user can send a special request to this script and get all
usernames registered in the system along with their password hashes.

–[ How to fix ]

Update your software up to the latest version

—[ Credits ]

These vulnerabilities were detected by Yuri Goltsev, Positive Research Center (Positive Technologies Company)