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HistoryFeb 07, 2007 - 12:00 a.m.

[Full-disclosure] Alibaba Alipay Remote Code Execute Vulnerability-0DAY


Alibaba Alipay Remote Code Execute Vulnerability

by cocoruder(


Alipay is China’s leading online payment service, and a division of It enables individuals and businesses to securely, easily and
quickly send and receive payments online. Alipay works like an escrow
service, solving the issue of settlement risk in China. More details:

There exists a remote code execute vulnerability in alipay's passsword 

input control "pta.dll". A remote attacker who successfully exploit these
vulnerabilities can completely take control of the affected system.

Affected Software Versions:

All current versions


This vulnerability exist in the function "Remove()" educed by 

"pta.dll", following are some related imformations:

InprocServer32:     pta.dll
ClassID       :     66F50F46-70A0-4A05-BD5E-FBCC0F9641EC

[id(0x60030001), helpstring("method Remove")]
void Remove([in] int idx);

Let's see How function "Remove()" process the parameter "idx":

    .text:10003D4E ; Remove
    .text:10003D4E sub_10003D4E    proc near                        ; DATA XREF: .rdata:1000B3A4o
    .text:10003D4E                                                  ; .rdata:1000B41Co ...
    .text:10003D4E arg_0           = dword ptr  4
    .text:10003D4E arg_4           = dword ptr  8
    .text:10003D4E                 mov     eax, [esp+arg_4]         
    .text:10003D52                 test    eax, eax
    .text:10003D54                 jl      short loc_10003D78       
    .text:10003D56                 push    esi
    .text:10003D57                 mov     esi, [esp+4+arg_0]       ; get idx
    .text:10003D5B                 shl     eax, 4                   ; idx << 4
    .text:10003D5E                 add     eax, [esi+8]             ; [esi+8]=0
    .text:10003D61                 push    edi                      ;
    .text:10003D62                 mov     edi, eax                 ; idx << 4 ==>edi
    .text:10003D64                 mov     eax, [edi+8]             ; [(idx << 4)+8] 

.text:10003D67 push eax
.text:10003D68 mov ecx, [eax] ; [[(idx <<
.text:10003D6A call dword ptr [ecx+8] ; [[[(idx <<
4)+8]]+8]==>jmp addr
.text:10003D6D push edi
.text:10003D6E lea ecx, [esi+4]
.text:10003D71 call sub_10003F35
.text:10003D76 pop edi
.text:10003D77 pop esi
.text:10003D78 loc_10003D78: ; CODE XREF: sub_10003D4E+6j
.text:10003D78 xor eax, eax
.text:10003D7A retn 8
.text:10003D7A sub_10003D4E endp

The idx is a DWORD vaule what we can control, so we can complete an 

interesting attack, for example when we set the idx 0x41414141, the
procedure will execute codes of address [[[14141410h+8]]+8].


Set a killbit for &quot;pta.dll&quot;, or, delete &#37;system&#37;&#92;aliedit&#92;pta.dll if you 

do not use Alipay.

Disclosure Timeline:

2007.02.07          Advisory release

Attached File:

Here give an exploit, we se all address 0x0d0d0d0d which will access 

its value, can gain attack result nicely.
Warning: This exploit is just used for reproducing the vulnerability,
please do not used for others.


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