Script: ".getenv("REQUEST_URI")."n
"; hmm what can we do with that?if there is an sql db error you may do /wbb/xx.php?<scri...">Xss in Wbb 2.3.4 - vulnerability database | Vulners.comScript: ".getenv("REQUEST_URI")."n
"; hmm what can we do with that?if there is an sql db error you may do /wbb/xx.php?<scri...">Script: ".getenv("REQUEST_URI")."n
"; hmm what can we do with that?if there is an sql db error you may do /wbb/xx.php?<scri...">Script: ".getenv("REQUEST_URI")."n
"; hmm what can we do with that?if there is an sql db error you may do /wbb/xx.php?<scri...">
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