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HistoryNov 26, 2005 - 12:00 a.m.

EZ Invoice Inc™ v 2.0 SQL inj.


EZ Invoice Inc™ v 2.0 SQL inj.
Vuln. dicovered by : r0t
Date: 25 nov. 2005
Orginal advisory:
affected version:v 2.0 and prior

Product description:
This software is the easiest way create and manage invoices online
with just the click of the mouse from anywhere in the world. All you
need is a website with internet connection. EZI was created for the
small business person: mom and pop shops, sole proprietors, small
graphic studios, online start ups, solopreneurs, virtual assistants
and more. EZI features a client lounge where your clients can login to
view, print and even pay their invoices online by Credit Card (PayPal
integration). Created by a Graphic Designer the software looks simple
therefore is easy to use and learn!

Vuln. Description:
Input passed to the "i" parameter in "invoices.php" isn't properly
sanitised before being used in a SQL query. This can be exploited to
manipulate SQL queries by injecting arbitrary SQL code.


Edit the source code to ensure that input is properly sanitised.