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Microsoft Security Vulnerabilities

Product NameVulnerabilities
Azure Diagnostics (lad)5
Azure File Sync2
Azure Functions1
Azure Guest Configuration1
Azure Hdinsight1
Azure Identity Library1
Azure Identity Library For .net2
Azure Identity Library For C++1
Azure Identity Library For Java1
Azure Identity Library For Javascript1
Azure Identity Library For Python1
Azure Internet Of Things Edge1
Azure Iot Edge1
Azure Key Vault Provider For Secrets Store Csi Driver1
Azure Kubernetes Service9
Azure Log Analytics Nozzle1
Azure Migrate3
Azure Monitor3
Azure Open Management Infrastructure4
Azure Private 5g Core1
Azure Real Time Operating System7
Azure Real Time Operating System Guix Studio12
Azure Rtos1
Azure Rtos Guix Studio13
Azure Rtos Usbx10
Azure Sdk1
Azure Sdk For .net1
Azure Sdk For Java1
Azure Security Center6
Azure Sentinel6
Azure Service Broker1
Azure Service Fabric5
Azure Site Recovery38
Azure Site Recovery Vmware To Azure80
Azure Sphere29
Azure Spring Cloud1
Azure Stack1
Azure Stack Hub6
Azure Storage1
Azure Storage Blobs1
Azure Storage Blobs Client Library For .net1
Azure Storage Blobs Client Library For Java1
Azure Storage Blobs Client Library For Python1
Azure Storage Explorer1
Azure Storage Mover1
Azure Storage Queue1
Azure Storage Queues Client Library For .net1
Azure Storage Queues Client Library For Python1
Azure-c-shared-utility Release Lts 02 2020 Ref021
Azure-c-shared-utility Release Lts 07 2020 Ref021
Azure-uamqp-c Release Lts 02 2020 Ref021
Azure-uamqp-c Release Lts 07 2020 Ref021
Azure-uhttp-c Release Lts 02 2020 Ref021
Azure-uhttp-c Release Lts 07 2020 Ref021
Azure-umqtt-c Release Lts 02 2020 Ref021
Azure-umqtt-c Release Lts 07 2020 Ref021
Azure-utpm-c Release Lts 02 2020 Ref021
Azure-utpm-c Release Lts 07 2020 Ref021
Backoffice Resource Kit1
Baseline Security Analyzer2
Biztalk Esb Toolkit1
Biztalk Server8
Bond 9.0.11
Bot Framework Sdk For .net Framework2
Bot Framework Sdk For Javascript1
Bot Framework Sdk For Python1
Bot Framework Software Development Kit2
Business Productivity Servers14
Business Solutions Crm1
C Sdk2
C Sdk For Azure Iot1
C Sdk For Azure Iot Release Lts 02 2020 Ref021
C Sdk For Azure Iot Release Lts 07 2020 Ref021
C Software Development Kit2
C# Sdk1
Cbl Mariner 1.0 Arm1
Cbl Mariner 1.0 X641
Cbl Mariner 2.0 Arm1
Cbl Mariner 2.0 X641
Chakra Javascript1
Chakracore On Chakracore11
Chart Control For Microsoft .net Framework1
Class Package Export Tool1
Clip Art1
Commerce Server2
Commercial Internet System2