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schneierBruce SchneierSCHNEIER:EC48CA520607A23198EB6DA44BB626C9
HistoryApr 11, 2019 - 11:24 a.m.

TajMahal Spyware

Bruce Schneier

Kaspersky has released details about a sophisticated nation-state spyware it calls TajMahal:

> The TajMahal framework’s 80 modules, Shulmin says, comprise not only the typical keylogging and screengrabbing features of spyware, but also never-before-seen and obscure tricks. It can intercept documents in a printer queue, and keep track of “files of interest,” automatically stealing them if a USB drive is inserted into the infected machine. And that unique spyware toolkit, Kaspersky says, bears none of the fingerprints of any known nation-state hacker group.

It was found on the servers of an “embassy of a Central Asian country.” No speculation on who wrote and controls it.

More details.