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schneierBruce SchneierSCHNEIER:BE126998EFF41D91D517FABC01FDF7AF
HistoryJan 31, 2023 - 12:03 p.m.

Ransomware Payments Are Down

Bruce Schneier

Chainalysis reports that worldwide ransomware payments were down in 2022.

> Ransomware attackers extorted at least $456.8 million from victims in 2022, down from $765.6 million the year before.
> As always, we have to caveat these findings by noting that the true totals are much higher, as there are cryptocurrency addresses controlled by ransomware attackers that have yet to be identified on the blockchain and incorporated into our data. When we published last year's version of this report, for example, we had only identified $602 million in ransomware payments in 2021. Still, the trend is clear: Ransomware payments are significantly down.
> However, that doesn't mean attacks are down, or at least not as much as the drastic drop-off in payments would suggest. Instead, we believe that much of the decline is due to victim organizations increasingly refusing to pay ransomware attackers.