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schneierBruce SchneierSCHNEIER:2E40116E535E65D431F2886C4B1BD57B
HistoryNov 14, 2022 - 12:38 p.m.

A Digital Red Cross

Bruce Schneier
red cross
digital emblem
healthcare networks
armed conflicts

The International Committee of the Red Cross wants some digital equivalent to the iconic red cross, to alert would-be hackers that they are accessing a medical network.

> The emblem wouldn’t provide technical cybersecurity protection to hospitals, Red Cross infrastructure or other medical providers, but it would signal to hackers that a cyberattack on those protected networks during an armed conflict would violate international humanitarian law, experts say, Tilman Rodenhäuser, a legal adviser to the International Committee of the Red Cross, said at a panel discussion hosted by the organization on Thursday.

I can think of all sorts of problems with this idea and many reasons why it won't work, but those also apply to the physical red cross on buildings, vehicles, and people's clothing. So let's try it.

EDITED TO ADD: Original reference.