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HistoryApr 13, 2018 - 9:24 p.m.

Friday Squid Blogging: Eating Firefly Squid

Bruce Schneier

In Tokama, Japan, you can watch the firefly squid catch and eat them in various ways:

> “It’s great to eat hotaruika around when the seasons change, which is when people tend to get sick,” said Ryoji Tanaka, an executive at the Toyama prefectural federation of fishing cooperatives. “In addition to popular cooking methods, such as boiling them in salted water, you can also add them to pasta or pizza.”
> Now there is a new addition: eating hotaruika raw as sashimi. However, due to reports that parasites have been found in their internal organs, the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry recommends eating the squid after its internal organs have been removed, or after it has been frozen for at least four days at minus 30 C or lower.

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