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rockyRockylinux Product ErrataRLBA-2022:5254
HistoryJun 28, 2022 - 8:27 a.m.

mtools bug fix and enhancement update

Rockylinux Product Errata

An update is available for mtools.
This update affects Rocky Linux 9.
A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score, which gives a detailed severity rating, is available for each vulnerability from the CVE list
Mtools is a collection of utilities for files created in the MS-DOS operating
system. Mtools allow you to read, write, and move MS-DOS file system files
(normally on MS-DOS floppy disks). Mtools supports Windows95 style long file
names, IBM extended density format (OS/2 XDF) disks, and disks formatted in the 2M program. Install Mtools if your scenario requires using MS-DOS disks.

Bug Fix(es) and Enhancement(s):

  • mtools missing glibc-gconv-extra dependency. (BZ#2096257)