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HistoryNov 23, 2015 - 10:17 a.m.

(RHSA-2015:2505) Moderate: abrt and libreport security update


0.006 Low




ABRT (Automatic Bug Reporting Tool) is a tool to help users to detect
defects in applications and to create a bug report with all the information
needed by a maintainer to fix it. It uses a plug-in system to extend its
functionality. libreport provides an API for reporting different problems
in applications to different bug targets, such as Bugzilla, FTP, and Trac.

It was found that the ABRT debug information installer
(abrt-action-install-debuginfo-to-abrt-cache) did not use temporary
directories in a secure way. A local attacker could use the flaw to create
symbolic links and files at arbitrary locations as the abrt user.

It was discovered that the kernel-invoked coredump processor provided by
ABRT did not handle symbolic links correctly when writing core dumps of
ABRT programs to the ABRT dump directory (/var/spool/abrt). A local
attacker with write access to an ABRT problem directory could use this flaw
to escalate their privileges. (CVE-2015-5287)

It was found that ABRT may have exposed unintended information to Red Hat
Bugzilla during crash reporting. A bug in the libreport library caused
changes made by a user in files included in a crash report to be discarded.
As a result, Red Hat Bugzilla attachments may contain data that was not
intended to be made public, including host names, IP addresses, or command
line options. (CVE-2015-5302)

This flaw did not affect default installations of ABRT on Red Hat
Enterprise Linux as they do not post data to Red Hat Bugzilla. This feature
can however be enabled, potentially impacting modified ABRT instances.

As a precaution, Red Hat has identified bugs filed by such non-default Red
Hat Enterprise Linux users of ABRT and marked them private.

Red Hat would like to thank Philip Pettersson of Samsung for reporting the
CVE-2015-5273 and CVE-2015-5287 issues. The CVE-2015-5302 issue was
discovered by Bastien Nocera of Red Hat.

All users of abrt and libreport are advised to upgrade to these updated
packages, which contain backported patches to correct these issues.