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HistoryNov 19, 2015 - 2:43 p.m.

(RHSA-2015:2131) Moderate: openldap security, bug fix, and enhancement update


0.281 Low




OpenLDAP is an open-source suite of Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
(LDAP) applications and development tools. LDAP is a set of protocols used
to access and maintain distributed directory information services over an
IP network. The openldap packages contain configuration files, libraries,
and documentation for OpenLDAP.

A flaw was found in the way OpenLDAP parsed OpenSSL-style cipher strings.
As a result, OpenLDAP could potentially use ciphers that were not intended
to be enabled. (CVE-2015-3276)

This issue was discovered by Martin Poole of the Red Hat Software
Maintenance Engineering group.

The openldap packages have been upgraded to upstream version 2.4.40, which
provides a number of bug fixes and one enhancement over the previous

  • The ORDERING matching rules have been added to the ppolicy attribute type
  • The server no longer terminates unexpectedly when processing SRV records.
  • Missing objectClass information has been added, which enables the user to
    modify the front-end configuration by standard means.


This update also fixes the following bugs:

  • Previously, OpenLDAP did not properly handle a number of simultaneous
    updates. As a consequence, sending a number of parallel update requests to
    the server could cause a deadlock. With this update, a superfluous locking
    mechanism causing the deadlock has been removed, thus fixing the bug.

  • The httpd service sometimes terminated unexpectedly with a segmentation
    fault on the libldap library unload. The underlying source code has been
    modified to prevent a bad memory access error that caused the bug to occur.
    As a result, httpd no longer crashes in this situation. (BZ#1158005)

  • After upgrading the system from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 to Red Hat
    Enterprise Linux 7, symbolic links to certain libraries unexpectedly
    pointed to locations belonging to the openldap-devel package. If the user
    uninstalled openldap-devel, the symbolic links were broken and the “rpm -V
    openldap” command sometimes produced errors. With this update, the symbolic
    links no longer get broken in the described situation. If the user
    downgrades openldap to version 2.4.39-6 or earlier, the symbolic links
    might break. After such downgrade, it is recommended to verify that the
    symbolic links did not break. To do this, make sure the yum-plugin-verify
    package is installed and obtain the target libraries by running the “rpm -V
    openldap” or “yum verify openldap” command. (BZ#1230263)

In addition, this update adds the following enhancement:

  • OpenLDAP clients now automatically choose the Network Security Services
    (NSS) default cipher suites for communication with the server. It is no
    longer necessary to maintain the default cipher suites manually in the
    OpenLDAP source code. (BZ#1245279)

All openldap users are advised to upgrade to these updated packages, which
correct these issues and add this enhancement.