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HistoryAug 24, 2015 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2015:1680) Moderate: openstack-neutron security and bug fix update






OpenStack Networking (Neutron) is a pluggable, scalable, and API-driven
system that provisions networking services to virtual machines. Its main
function is to manage connectivity to and from virtual machines.

A Denial of Service flaw was found in the L2 agent when using the IPTables
firewall driver. By submitting an address pair that will be rejected as
invalid by the ipset tool, an attacker may cause the agent to crash.

Red Hat would like to thank the OpenStack upstream for reporting this
issue. Upstream acknowledges Darragh O’Reilly (HP) as the original reporter.

Additionally, the packages address the following issues:

  • Neutron failed to load multiple configuration files. The Puppet recipe
    hard-coded the --config-file parameter to a set list of configuration files
    and additional files were not loaded, even if specified. This fix creates a
    new Neutron configuration directory, /etc/neutron/conf.d, and any .conf
    files in that directory are loaded by Puppet and applied to all services.

  • When configuring load balancer as a service, the Neutron configuration
    used no group as the default system user group. This group does not exist
    in the default Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 configuration, which caused the
    virtual IP address creation to fail with the error “cannot find group id
    for ‘nogroup’.” (BZ#1208002)

  • Log rotation was set to one week for Neutron, but that could allow the
    log file to grow to be very large before rotating. The default log rotation
    policy has been updated to include a size limit of 10MB as well as a time
    limit to rotate daily. (BZ#1212442)

  • Previously, dnsmasq did not save lease information in persistent storage.
    When it was restarted, the lease information was lost. This behavior
    resulted from removing the ‘–dhcp-script’ option as part of fixing
    BZ#1202392. As a result, instances were stuck in the network boot process
    for a long period of time. In addition, NACK messages were noted in the
    dnsmasq log. This update removes the authoritative option, so that NAKs are
    not sent in response to DHCPREQUESTs to other servers. This change is
    expected to prevent dnsmasq from NAKing clients renewing leases issued
    before it was restarted/rescheduled. DHCPNAK messages should no longer be
    found in the log files. (BZ#1227635)

  • Conflict tags were included in the python-neutron package spec that
    resulted in Neutron unnecessarily blocking the python-oslo-db package.
    These conflicts have been removed from the spec, so the python-oslo-db
    package can be successfully installed. (BZ#1250056)

All openstack-neutron users are advised to upgrade to these updated
packages, which contain backported patches to correct these issues.