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HistoryJun 04, 2015 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2015:1052) Moderate: thermostat1 security, bug fix, and enhancement update


0.0004 Low




Thermostat is a monitoring and instrumentation tool for the OpenJDK HotSpot
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) with support for monitoring multiple JVM
instances. Thermostat supports monitoring and gathering performance data
from JVMs running on the same machine, a remote machine, or across a
network. The tool consists of three components: an agent, which collects
data, a client, which allows users to visualize collected data, and a
storage layer, over which the agent and the client communicate. A pluggable
agent and GUI framework allow users to collect and visualize performance
data beyond what is included out of the box.

The thermostat1 packages have been upgraded to upstream version 1.2.0,
which provides a number of bug fixes and enhancements over the previous
version. Among others:

  • A new instrumenting profiler plug-in has been added.

  • The setup of secured Thermostat using web storage has been simplified;
    the default setup has been changed to use HTTP-based storage.

  • Various improvements have been introduced, for example, in the Swing
    client GUI and in a number of charts.


The following security issue was fixed in the thermostat1-thermostat

It was discovered that the Thermostat web application stored database
authentication credentials in a world-readable configuration file. A local
user on a system running the Thermostat web application could use this flaw
to access and modify monitored JVM data, or perform actions on connected
JVMs. (CVE-2015-3201)

This issue was discovered by the Red Hat Thermostat Team.

Users of thermostat1 are advised to upgrade to these updated packages,
which fix these issues and add these enhancements.

0.0004 Low


