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HistoryApr 16, 2015 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2015:0843) Important: openstack-nova security, bug fix, and enhancement update


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OpenStack Compute (nova) launches and schedules large networks of virtual
machines, creating a redundant and scalable cloud computing platform.
Compute provides the software, control panels, and APIs required to
orchestrate a cloud, including running virtual machine instances and
controlling access through users and projects.

It was discovered that the OpenStack Compute (nova) console websocket did
not correctly verify the origin header. An attacker could use this flaw to
conduct a cross-site websocket hijack attack. Note that only Compute setups
with VNC or SPICE enabled were affected by this flaw. (CVE-2015-0259)

A denial of service flaw was found in the way OpenStack Compute (nova)
looked up VM instances based on an IP address filter. An attacker with
sufficient privileges on an OpenStack installation with a large amount of
VMs could use this flaw to cause the main nova process to block for an
extended amount of time. (CVE-2014-3708)

A flaw was found in the OpenStack Compute (nova) VMWare driver, which could
allow an authenticated user to delete an instance while it was in the
resize state, causing the instance to remain on the back end. A malicious
user could use this flaw to cause a denial of service by exhausting all
available resources on the system. (CVE-2014-8333)

Red Hat would like to thank the OpenStack project for reporting the
CVE-2015-0259 and CVE-2014-3708 issues. Upstream acknowledges Brian
Manifold of Cisco and Paul McMillan of Nebula as the original reporters of
CVE-2015-0259, and Mohammed Naser from Vexxhost as the original reporter of

In addition to the above issues, this update also addresses several bugs
and adds various enhancements, which are documented in the Red Hat
Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform Technical Notes (see References section).

All openstack-nova users are advised to upgrade to these updated packages,
which correct these issues and add these enhancements.

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