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HistoryNov 03, 2014 - 8:37 a.m.

(RHSA-2014:1790) Important: openstack-keystone security and bug fix update


0.003 Low




The OpenStack Identity service (keystone) authenticates and authorizes
OpenStack users by keeping track of users and their permitted activities.
The Identity service supports multiple forms of authentication, including
user name and password credentials, token-based systems, and
AWS-style logins.

A flaw was found in the keystone catalog URL replacement. A user with
permissions to register an endpoint could use this flaw to leak
configuration data, including the master admin_token. Only keystone setups
that allow non-cloud-admin users to create endpoints were affected by this
issue. (CVE-2014-3621)

Red Hat would like to thank the OpenStack project for reporting this issue.
Upstream acknowledges Brant Knudson from IBM as the original reporter.

The openstack-keystone packages have been upgraded to upstream version
2014.1.3, which provides a number of bug fixes over the previous version.

All openstack-keystone users are advised to upgrade to these updated
packages, which correct these issues.