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HistorySep 02, 2014 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2014:1122) Low: openstack-keystone security and bug fix update






The OpenStack Identity service (Keystone) authenticates and authorizes
OpenStack users by keeping track of users and their permitted activities.
The Identity service supports multiple forms of authentication, including
user name and password credentials, token-based systems, and AWS-style

It was found that the MySQL token driver did not correctly store token
expiration times, which prevented manual token revocation. Only OpenStack
Identity setups configured to make use of revocation events were affected.

A flaw was found in keystone revocation events that resulted in the
“issued_at” time being updated when a token created by the V2 API was
processed by the V3 API. This could allow a user to evade token revocation.
Only OpenStack Identity setups configured to make use of revocation events
and UUID tokens were affected. (CVE-2014-5252)

It was discovered that domain-scoped tokens were not revoked when a domain
was disabled. Only OpenStack Identity setups configured to make use of
revocation events were affected. (CVE-2014-5253)

The openstack-keystone packages have been upgraded to upstream version
2014.1.2.1, which provides a number of bug fixes over the previous version.
The most notable bug fixes are:

  • When a scoped token that was created from an unscoped token was revoked,
    the original token was revoked as well. This was because the scope was not
    included in the revocation event. By including the scope in the revocation
    event, only the scoped token is revoked.

  • If a domain or a project was renamed, the old name remained in the cache.
    As a result the old name could be used in some requests until the cache
    record expired. For example, the old domain name could still be used for
    authentication after renaming the domain. Cache entries are now properly
    invalidated for domain and project rename operations.

  • OpenStack Identity did not return the same status and headers for HEAD
    and GET requests, which does not follow the HTTP specification. This would
    lead to different status codes between running keystone-all versus running
    keystone in Apache httpd with mod_wsgi. The responses have been corrected
    to be consistent regardless of the webserver being used.

  • The migration operation that creates the region table did not explicitly
    set the character set to ‘utf8’. Consequently, when the database’s default
    character set was not set, the db_sync operation failed. The migration
    operation now detects this condition and corrects the database.

Refer to for more
information on the bug fixes included in version 2014.1.2.1. (BZ#1127434)

All openstack-keystone users are advised to upgrade to these updated
packages, which correct these issues.