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HistoryMay 27, 2014 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2014:0559) Low: rhevm-dwh 3.3.3 security and bug fix update


0.0004 Low




The Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager data warehouse package
provides the Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) process and database scripts to
create a historic database API. It also provides SQL BI reports creation
for management and monitoring.

It was found that the ovirt-engine-dwh setup script logged the history
database password in plain text to a world-readable file. An attacker with
a local user account on the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager
server could use this flaw to access, read, and modify the reports
database. (CVE-2014-0202)

Note: Applying the update provided by this advisory does not modify any
existing log files. It is recommended that you search your existing log
files and remove any occurrences of plain text passwords manually.

This issue was discovered by Red Hat.

This update also fixes the following bugs:

  • Previously, the read-only user and custom users for the data warehouse
    database would lose access to views in the database when the database was
    upgraded. This was caused by the views being regenerated when the database
    was upgraded and the permissions for those views not being applied to the
    newly generated views. Now, user permissions are retained when the database
    is upgraded. (BZ#1078129)

  • Previously, the ovirt-engine-dwh-setup command would fail under certain
    conditions if the pg_hba.conf file had been manually edited prior to
    running that command. This was caused by the setup process checking the
    exact number of spaces in between values on the line corresponding to
    ‘local’. Now, the logic for checking the values in that line has been
    revised so that the setup process can correctly read all values regardless
    of the number of spaces. (BZ#1084760)

All rhevm-dwh users are advised to upgrade to this updated package, which
corrects these issues.

RedHat6srcrhevm-dwh< 3.3.3-1.el6evrhevm-dwh-3.3.3-1.el6ev.src.rpm
RedHat6noarchrhevm-dwh< 3.3.3-1.el6evrhevm-dwh-3.3.3-1.el6ev.noarch.rpm

0.0004 Low




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