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HistoryFeb 10, 2014 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2014:0150) Moderate: gc security update






Red Hat Satellite Proxy provides a package-caching mechanism that reduces
the bandwidth requirements for Red Hat Satellite and enables custom package
deployment. Red Hat Satellite Proxy customers are able to cache RPM
packages, such as are provided by Errata Updates from Red Hat, or custom
RPM packages generated by their organization, on an internal,
centrally-located server.

gc is a Boehm-Demers-Weiser conservative garbage collector for C and C++.

It was discovered that gc’s implementation of the malloc() and calloc()
routines did not properly perform parameter sanitization when allocating
memory. If an application using gc did not implement application-level
validity checks for the malloc() and calloc() routines, a remote attacker
could provide specially crafted application-specific input, which, when
processed by the application, could lead to an application crash or,
potentially, arbitrary code execution with the privileges of the user
running the application. (CVE-2012-2673)

Users of Red Hat Network Proxy 5.6 are advised to upgrade to these updated
packages, which contain a backported patch to correct this issue. For this
update to take effect, Red Hat Network Proxy must be restarted. Refer to
the Solution section for details.

RedHat5srcgc< 7.1-12.2.el5satgc-7.1-12.2.el5sat.src.rpm
RedHat5x86_64gc< 7.1-12.2.el5satgc-7.1-12.2.el5sat.x86_64.rpm
RedHat5s390xgc< 7.1-12.2.el5satgc-7.1-12.2.el5sat.s390x.rpm