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HistoryJun 27, 2013 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2013:0992) Important: python-keystoneclient security, bug fix, and enhancement update






Python-keystoneclient is the client library and command line utility for
interacting with the OpenStack identity API.

A flaw was found in the way python-keystoneclient handled encrypted data
from memcached. Even when the memcache_security_strategy setting in
“/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf” was set to ENCRYPT to help prevent
tampering, an attacker on the local network, or possibly an unprivileged
user in a virtual machine hosted on OpenStack, could use this flaw to
bypass intended restrictions and modify data in memcached that will later
be used by services utilizing python-keystoneclient (such as Nova, Cinder,
Swift, Glance, and so on). (CVE-2013-2166)

A flaw was found in the way python-keystoneclient verified data from
memcached. Even when the memcache_security_strategy setting in
“/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf” was set to MAC to perform signature
checking, an attacker on the local network, or possibly an unprivileged
user in a virtual machine hosted on OpenStack, could use this flaw to
modify data in memcached that will later pass signature checking in
python-keystoneclient. (CVE-2013-2167)

Red Hat would like to thank the OpenStack project for reporting these
issues. Upstream acknowledges Paul McMillan of Nebula as the original

This update also fixes the following bug:

  • python-webob1.2 (which can be installed in parallel with python-webob1.0)
    was not found by python-keystoneclient. Attempting to import python-webob
    from python-keystoneclient failed with a stack trace. This could also be
    observed with other applications using python-keystoneclient, such as
    OpenStack Swift. With this update, python-keystoneclient can import
    python-webob1.2 independently from other installed versions. (BZ#971026)

Additionally, this update adds the following enhancement:

  • This update adds support for Amazon Web Services (AWS) Signature Version
    4 to python-keystoneclient. This makes python-keystoneclient compatible
    with future versions of python-boto, which will use Signature Version 4 by
    default. (BZ#970134)

All users of Red Hat OpenStack 3.0 (Grizzly) Preview are advised to install
these updated packages, which correct these issues and add this