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HistoryMar 07, 2013 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2013:0613) Important: JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform 5.2.2 security update


0.009 Low




JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform is the open source implementation of the
Java EE suite of services and Portal services running atop JBoss Enterprise
Application Platform. It comprises a set of offerings for enterprise
customers who are looking for pre-configured profiles of JBoss Enterprise
Middleware components that have been tested and certified together to
provide an integrated experience.

It was found that the GateIn Portal export/import gadget allowed an export
ZIP to be uploaded and imported to a site without authentication. A remote
attacker could use this flaw to modify the contents of a site, remove the
site, or modify access controls applied to portlets in the site.

It was found that the GateIn Portal export/import gadget was vulnerable to
XXE (XML External Entity) attacks. If the XML provided to the import gadget
contained an external XML entity, this XML entity would be resolved. A
remote attacker who can access the import gadget could use this flaw to
read files in the context of the user running the application server.

The CVE-2013-0314 issue was discovered by Nick Scavelli of Red Hat, and
CVE-2013-0315 was discovered by Arun Neelicattu and David Jorm of the Red
Hat Security Response Team.

Warning: Before applying this update, back up all applications deployed on
JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform, along with all customized configuration
files, and any databases and database settings.

All users of JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform 5.2.2 as provided from the
Red Hat Customer Portal are advised to install this update.

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