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HistoryMar 06, 2013 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2013:0564) Low: Red Hat Enterprise MRG Grid 2.3 security update


0.007 Low




Red Hat Enterprise MRG (Messaging, Realtime, and Grid) is a next-generation
IT infrastructure for enterprise computing. MRG offers increased
performance, reliability, interoperability, and faster computing for
enterprise customers.

MRG Grid provides high-throughput computing and enables enterprises to
achieve higher peak computing capacity as well as improved infrastructure
utilization by leveraging their existing technology to build high
performance grids. MRG Grid provides a job-queueing mechanism, scheduling
policy, and a priority scheme, as well as resource monitoring and resource
management. Users submit their jobs to MRG Grid, where they are placed into
a queue. MRG Grid then chooses when and where to run the jobs based upon a
policy, carefully monitors their progress, and ultimately informs the user
upon completion.

It was found that attempting to remove a job via
“/usr/share/condor/aviary/” with CPROC in square brackets
caused condor_schedd to crash. If aviary_query_server was configured to
listen to public interfaces, this could allow a remote attacker to cause a
denial of service condition in condor_schedd. While condor_schedd was
restarted by the condor_master process after each exit, condor_master would
throttle back restarts after each crash. This would slowly increment to the
defined MASTER_BACKOFF_CEILING value (3600 seconds/1 hour, by default).

The CVE-2012-4462 issue was discovered by Daniel Horak of the Red Hat
Enterprise MRG Quality Engineering Team.

These updated packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 provide numerous
enhancements and bug fixes for the Grid component of MRG. Some of the most
important enhancements include:

  • Release of HTCondor 7.8
  • OS integration with control groups (cgroups)
  • Kerberos integration and HTML5 interactivity in the management console
  • Historical data reporting in the management console as Technology Preview
  • Job data availability from MongoDB as Technology Preview
  • Updated EC2 AMI and instance tagging support
  • Enhanced negotiation and accounting
  • Enhanced DAG workflow management
  • Enhancements to configuration inspection, node inventory, and
    configuration of walk-in or dynamic resources
  • High availability for Aviary

Space precludes documenting all of these changes in this advisory. Refer to
the Red Hat Enterprise MRG 2 Technical Notes document, available shortly
from the link in the References section, for information on these changes.

All users of the Grid capabilities of Red Hat Enterprise MRG are advised
to upgrade to these updated packages, which correct this issue, and fix
the bugs and add the enhancements noted in the Red Hat Enterprise MRG 2
Technical Notes.

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