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HistoryFeb 21, 2013 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2013:0509) Low: rdma security, bug fix and enhancement update






Red Hat Enterprise Linux includes a collection of InfiniBand and iWARP
utilities, libraries and development packages for writing applications
that use Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) technology.

A denial of service flaw was found in the way ibacm managed reference
counts for multicast connections. An attacker could send specially-crafted
multicast packets that would cause the ibacm daemon to crash.

It was found that the ibacm daemon created some files with world-writable
permissions. A local attacker could use this flaw to overwrite the
contents of the ibacm.log or ibacm.port file, allowing them to mask
certain actions from the log or cause ibacm to run on a non-default port.

CVE-2012-4518 was discovered by Florian Weimer of the Red Hat Product
Security Team and Kurt Seifried of the Red Hat Security Response Team.

The InfiniBand/iWARP/RDMA stack components have been upgraded to more
recent upstream versions.

This update also fixes the following bugs:

  • Previously, the “ibnodes -h” command did not show a proper usage message.
    With this update the problem is fixed and “ibnodes -h” now shows the
    correct usage message. (BZ#818606)

  • Previously, the ibv_devinfo utility erroneously showed iWARP cxgb3
    hardware’s physical state as invalid even when the device was working. For
    iWARP hardware, the phys_state field has no meaning. This update patches
    the utility to not print out anything for this field when the hardware is
    iWARP hardware. (BZ#822781)

  • Prior to the release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.3, the kernel created
    the InfiniBand device files in the wrong place and a udev rules file was
    used to force the devices to be created in the proper place. With the
    update to 6.3, the kernel was fixed to create the InfiniBand device files
    in the proper place, and so the udev rules file was removed as no longer
    being necessary. However, a bug in the kernel device creation meant that,
    although the devices were now being created in the right place, they had
    incorrect permissions. Consequently, when users attempted to run an RDMA
    application as a non-root user, the application failed to get the necessary
    permissions to use the RDMA device and the application terminated. This
    update puts a new udev rules file in place. It no longer attempts to create
    the InfiniBand devices since they already exist, but it does correct the
    device permissions on the files. (BZ#834428)

  • Previously, using the “perfquery -C” command with a host name caused the
    perfquery utility to become unresponsive. The list of controllers to
    process was never cleared and the process looped infinitely on a single
    controller. A patch has been applied to make sure that in the case where
    the user passes in the -C option, the controller list is cleared out once
    that controller has been processed. As a result, perfquery now works as
    expected in the scenario described. (BZ#847129)

  • The OpenSM init script did not handle the case where there were no
    configuration files under “/etc/rdma/opensm.conf.*”. With this update, the
    script as been patched and the InfiniBand Subnet Manager, OpenSM, now
    starts as expected in the scenario described. (BZ#862857)

This update also adds the following enhancement:

  • This update provides an updated mlx4_ib Mellanox driver which includes
    Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) support. (BZ#869737)

All users of RDMA are advised to upgrade to these updated packages, which
fix these issues and add this enhancement.



