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HistoryDec 18, 2012 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2012:1593) Important: JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform 5.3.0 update


0.008 Low




JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform is the next-generation ESB and business
process automation infrastructure. JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform allows IT
to leverage existing (MoM and EAI), modern (SOA and BPM-Rules), and future
(EDA and CEP) integration methodologies to dramatically improve business
process execution speed and quality.

This roll up patch serves as a cumulative upgrade for JBoss Enterprise SOA
Platform 5.3.0. It includes various bug fixes. The following security issue
is also fixed with this release:

A flaw was found in the way Apache CXF verified that XML elements were
signed or encrypted by a particular Supporting Token. Apache CXF checked to
ensure these elements were signed or encrypted by a Supporting Token, but
not whether the correct token was used. A remote attacker could use this
flaw to transmit confidential information without the appropriate security,
and potentially circumvent access controls on web services exposed via
Apache CXF. (CVE-2012-2379)

Red Hat would like to thank the Apache CXF project for reporting this

All users of JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform 5.3.0 as provided from the Red
Hat Customer Portal are advised to apply this roll up patch.