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HistorySep 04, 2011 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2011:1251) Important: JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform 5.1.1 update


0.013 Low




JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform is the open source implementation of the
Java EE suite of services and Portal services running atop JBoss Enterprise
Application Platform. It comprises a set of offerings for enterprise
customers who are looking for pre-configured profiles of JBoss Enterprise
Middleware components that have been tested and certified together to
provide an integrated experience.

This release of JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform 5.1.1 serves as a
replacement to JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform 5.1.0. It includes various
bug fixes which are detailed in the Release Notes. The Release Notes will
be available shortly from the link in the References section.

The following security issue is also fixed with this release:

It was found that JBoss Seam 2 did not properly block access to JBoss
Expression Language (EL) constructs in page exception handling, allowing
arbitrary Java methods to be executed. A remote attacker could use this
flaw to execute arbitrary code via a specially-crafted URL provided to
certain applications based on the JBoss Seam 2 framework. Note: A properly
configured and enabled Java Security Manager would prevent exploitation of
this flaw. (CVE-2011-1484)

If you have created custom applications that are packaged with a copy of
the JBoss Seam 2 library, those applications must be rebuilt with the
updated jboss-seam.jar file provided by this update.

Red Hat would like to thank Martin Kouba from IT SYSTEMS a.s. for reporting

Warning: Before applying this update, back up all applications deployed on
JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform, along with all customized configuration

All users of JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform 5.1.0 as provided from the
Red Hat Customer Portal are advised to upgrade to JBoss Enterprise Portal
Platform 5.1.1.

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