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HistoryMay 19, 2011 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2011:0568) Low: eclipse security, bug fix, and enhancement update






The Eclipse software development environment provides a set of tools for
C/C++ and Java development.

A cross-site scripting (XSS) flaw was found in the Eclipse Help Contents
web application. An attacker could use this flaw to perform a cross-site
scripting attack against victims by tricking them into visiting a
specially-crafted Eclipse Help URL. (CVE-2010-4647)

The following Eclipse packages have been upgraded to the versions found in
the official upstream Eclipse Helios SR1 release, providing a number of
bug fixes and enhancements over the previous versions:

  • eclipse to 3.6.1. (BZ#656329)
  • eclipse-cdt to 7.0.1. (BZ#656333)
  • eclipse-birt to 2.6.0. (BZ#656391)
  • eclipse-emf to 2.6.0. (BZ#656344)
  • eclipse-gef to 3.6.1. (BZ#656347)
  • eclipse-mylyn to 3.4.2. (BZ#656337)
  • eclipse-rse to 3.2. (BZ#656338)
  • eclipse-dtp to 1.8.1. (BZ#656397)
  • eclipse-changelog to 2.7.0. (BZ#669499)
  • eclipse-valgrind to 0.6.1. (BZ#669460)
  • eclipse-callgraph to 0.6.1. (BZ#669462)
  • eclipse-oprofile to 0.6.1. (BZ#670228)
  • eclipse-linuxprofilingframework to 0.6.1. (BZ#669461)

In addition, the following updates were made to the dependencies of the
Eclipse packages above:

  • icu4j to 4.2.1. (BZ#656342)
  • sat4j to 2.2.0. (BZ#661842)
  • objectweb-asm to 3.2. (BZ#664019)
  • jetty-eclipse to 6.1.24. (BZ#661845)

This update includes numerous upstream bug fixes and enhancements, such as:

  • The Eclipse IDE and Java Development Tools (JDT):
  • projects and folders can filter out resources in the workspace.
  • new virtual folder and linked files support.
  • the full set of UNIX file permissions is now supported.
  • addition of the stop button to cancel long-running wizard tasks.
  • Java editor now shows multiple quick-fixes via problem hover.
  • new support for running JUnit version 4 tests.
  • over 200 upstream bug fixes.
  • The Eclipse C/C++ Development Tooling (CDT):
  • new Codan framework has been added for static code analysis.
  • refactoring improvements such as stored refactoring history.
  • compile and build errors now highlighted in the build console.
  • switch to the new DSF debugger framework.
  • new template view support.
  • over 600 upstream bug fixes.

This update also fixes the following bugs:

  • Incorrect URIs for GNU Tools in the “Help Contents” window have been
    fixed. (BZ#622713)

  • The profiling of binaries did not work if an Eclipse project was not in
    an Eclipse workspace. This update adds an automated test for external
    project profiling, which corrects this issue. (BZ#622867)

  • Running a C/C++ application in Eclipse successfully terminated, but
    returned an I/O exception not related to the application itself in the
    Error Log window. With this update, the exception is no longer returned.

  • The eclipse-mylyn package showed a “20100916-0100-e3x” qualifier. The
    qualifier has been modified to “v20100902-0100-e3x” to match the upstream
    version of eclipse-mylyn. (BZ#669819)

  • Installing the eclipse-mylyn package failed and returned a “Resource
    temporarily unavailable” error message due to a bug in the packaging. This
    update fixes this bug and installation now works as expected. (BZ#673174)

  • Building the eclipse-cdt package could fail due to an incorrect
    interaction with the local file system. Interaction with the local file
    system is now prevented and the build no longer fails. (BZ#678364)

  • The libhover plug-in, provided by the eclipse-cdt package, used binary
    data to search for hover topics. The data location was specified externally
    as a URL which could cause an exception to occur on a system with no
    Internet access. This update modifies the plug-in so that it pulls the
    needed data from a local location. (BZ#679543)

Users of eclipse should upgrade to these updated packages, which correct
these issues and add these enhancements.