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HistoryOct 07, 2008 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2008:0911) Moderate: condor security, bug fix and enhancement update


0.012 Low




Condor is a specialized workload management system for compute-intensive
jobs. It provides a job queuing mechanism, scheduling policy, priority
scheme, and resource monitoring and management.

A flaw was found in the way Condor processed user submitted jobs. It was
possible for a user to submit a job in a way that could cause that job to
run as a different user with access to the pool. (CVE-2008-3826)

A stack based buffer overflow flaw was found in Condor’s condor_schedd
daemon. A user who had permissions to submit a job could do so in a manner
that could cause condor_schedd to crash or, potentially, execute arbitrary
code with the permissions of condor_schedd. (CVE-2008-3828)

A denial-of-service flaw was found in Condor’s condor_schedd daemon. A user
who had permissions to submit a job could do so in a manner that would
cause condor_schedd to crash. (CVE-2008-3829)

A flaw was found in the way Condor processes allowed and denied netmasks
for access control. If a configuration file contained an overlapping
netmask in the allow or deny rules, it could cause that rule to be ignored,
allowing unintended access. (CVE-2008-3830)

This update also fixes the following bugs:

  • the “amazon_gahp -m” command sets the AMAZON_GAHP_WORKER_MAX_NUM
    configuration option, fixing the maximum number of processes contacting EC2
    at any given time. Previously, Condor did not honor this option, leaving
    the maximum number of created threads unbounded. This has been corrected:
    values set with the “-m” argument are now properly understood.

  • the gridmanager constructed KeyPairs for all outstanding EC2 jobs before
    any jobs are started. When there were many (>10,000) EC2 jobs in the queue,
    significant delays occurred. With this update, KeyPairs are no longer
    constructed up-front.

  • an error in condor_negotiator caused intialization code to re-run
    whenever condor_reconfig was run. The flag which noted if the
    initialization code should run was always set to “true”. This error has
    been corrected: the initialization code now executes only at startup.

As well, this update adds the following enhancements:

  • this release introduces Concurrency Limits. These allow Condor to account
    for resources not directly under its control, such as software licenses.

  • this update includes the latest stable upstream release of Condor:
    version 7.0.5. Information on the features and fixes included with this
    release are in the Condor Release Notes, available via the link in the
    References section below.

  • base support for low-latency scheduling and transparent translation of
    EC2 jobs has also been added in this update. Note: implementation of these
    two features depends on separate packages which are yet to be released.

All Red Hat Enterprise MRG 1.0 users are advised to upgrade to these
updated packages which address these vulnerabilities, fix these bugs and
add these enhancements.

0.012 Low


