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HistoryNov 21, 2007 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2007:0983) Moderate: conga security, bug fix, and enhancement update






The Conga package is a web-based administration tool for remote cluster and
storage management.

A flaw was found in ricci during a code audit. A remote attacker who is
able to connect to ricci could cause ricci to temporarily refuse additional
connections, resulting in a denial of service. (CVE-2007-4136)

Additionally, these updated packages fix the following bugs:

  • entering an invalid password when creating a new cluster with the luci
    web application caused a “UnboundLocalError” error.

  • conga did not set the the “nodename” attribute for instances of manual
    fencing, resulting in manual fencing being non-functional.

  • conga did not provide a way to remove a dead node from a cluster.
    Attempting to remove a dead node from a cluster resulted in an error,
    reporting that that the node name cannot be reached.

  • during cluster formation Conga reboots the cluster nodes. During reboot
    errors about not being able to communicate with nodes are displayed. These
    errors can safely be ignored, and have been removed in these updated

  • when building a new cluster on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4, Conga did not
    generate node ID attributes for clusternode tags. The node ID attributes
    are needed by programs such as qdisk.

  • during Quorum Partition Configuration, a “TypeError” error occurred if
    you did not configure heuristics.

  • when passing arguments to fence_scsi, Conga used the “nodename” attribute
    instead of the “node” attribute, resulting in an invalid XML file being
    passed to fence_scsi. The “nodename” attribute is now supported.

  • conga did not handle the restart operation correctly. In certain
    situations this resulted in nodes not being started, stopped, and restarted
    correctly. These issues were caused by clusters starting while others were
    still in the process of stopping. This has been resolved in these updated

  • probing storage using luci and the Mozilla Firefox 2 web browser on
    Microsoft Windows XP appeared to never finish, when in fact it had. After
    probing, clicking the node name in the storage list correctly showed the
    storage for that node.

As well, these updated packages add the following enhancements:

  • the Conga web interface now supports the Microsoft Internet Explorer web
    browser, versions 6.0 and later.

  • in previous packages, Conga required a minimum score to be configured
    even when heuristics were not being used. A minimum score is no longer

All Conga users are advised to upgrade to these updated packages, which
fix this vulnerability, resolve these issues, and add these enhancements.

RedHatanyx86_64luci< 0.11.0-3luci-0.11.0-3.x86_64.rpm
RedHatanyx86_64ricci< 0.11.0-3ricci-0.11.0-3.x86_64.rpm



