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HistoryMay 17, 2004 - 12:00 a.m.

(RHSA-2004:222) kdelibs security update


0.171 Low




The kdelibs packages include libraries for the K Desktop Environment.

KDE Libraries include: kdecore (KDE core library), kdeui (user interface),
kfm (file manager), khtmlw (HTML widget), kio (Input/Output, networking),
kspell (spelling checker), jscript (javascript), kab (addressbook), kimgio
(image manipulation). Konqueror is a file manager and Web browser for the
K Desktop Environment (KDE).

iDEFENSE identified a vulnerability in the Opera web browser that could
allow remote attackers to create or truncate arbitrary files. The KDE team
has found two similar vulnerabilities that also exist in KDE.

A flaw in the telnet URI handler may allow options to be passed to the
telnet program, resulting in creation or replacement of files. An attacker
could create a carefully crafted link such that when opened by a victim it
creates or overwrites a file with the victim’s permissions.

A flaw in the mailto URI handler may allow options to be passed to the
kmail program. These options could cause kmail to write to the file system
or to run on a remote X display. An attacker could create a carefully
crafted link in such a way that access may be obtained to run arbitrary
code as the victim.

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project ( has
assigned the name CAN-2004-0411 to these issues.

Note: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 is only vulnerable to the mailto URI
flaw as a previous update shipped without a telnet.protocol file.

All users of KDE are advised to upgrade to these erratum packages, which
contain a backported patch for these issues.