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2022 Planning: Prioritizing Defense and Mitigation Through Left of Boom

boB Rudis

2022 Planning: Prioritizing Defense and Mitigation Through Left of Boom

In the military, the term “left of boom" refers to the strategy and tactics required to prevent — and protect personnel from — explosions by making proactive decisions before the event happens. Unless you’ve been fortunate enough to avoid tech and media press for the past 24 months, it should be clear by now that cyberattacks most certainly qualify as “boom" events, with the potential to cause reputational, financial, and even real-life physical harm to businesses, communities, and individuals, many of whom are truly innocent bystanders.

While telemetry-fueled detection and well-honed response plans are foundational components of truly effective cybersecurity programs, they are definitely “right of boom," and we should not be so quick to cede ground to attackers with an “assume breach" mindset. Cybersecurity teams have myriad defense and mitigation strategies at their disposal to help ensure a sizable percentage of attackers never even have the chance to waltz their way through the killchain. In this post, we’ll use ransomware as an example for 3 left-of-boom areas to focus on (via the MITRE ATT&CK framework.)

The ransomware “booms"

One might argue that the singular “boom" of ransomware is the encryption of business critical information and assets, but attackers now also hunt for juicy data they can use for many purposes, including to pressure a target to pay or suffer a data disclosure event on top of a business-disrupting lock-up. There is another emerging scenario that adds a compounding denial-of-service attacks (or multiple attacks) into the mix – note that pure denial-of-service extortion, or “RansomDoS" in the modern vernacular, is out of scope for this post.

Knowing the potential negative outcomes, what can teams focus on ahead of time to help prevent these outcomes and protect their organizations? For ransomware (and, really, the vast majority of cyberattacks today), the main goal is to prevent initial access into your environment, so let’s explore what you need to do to stay left of that particular boom. Since there are many techniques used to gain initial access, we’ll focus the rest of the post on 3 areas (T1190, T1133, and T1078) and give you some tips on how to apply the same left-of-boom thinking to other ones.

←💥 Attack surface management: Preventing exploitation

Attack surface management (ASM) is just a 2021 pretty bow wrapped around the term “asset management" in the hopes that organizations will finally recognize the need for it, realizing that they aren’t just deploying cool services and capabilities but also providing potential inroads for attackers. With ASM, your goal is to understand:

  • What devices, operating systems, and software are deployed on your perimeter, intranet, and remote endpoints
  • The safe and resilient configurations required for those elements
  • The current state of those elements

You cannot get left of boom for a ransomware attack, and many other cyberattacks, without a functional ASM practice in place. This requires having a close partnership with your procurement department and IT endpoint/server/cloud operations teams, as well as the tools (proprietary or open-source) to help with organization and verification.

It’s vital to understand what you’re exposing to the internet — since that’s what attackers can directly see and touch — but it’s also critical to know the status of each node that may be involved in initial access attempts, including desktops, laptops, and mobile devices.

If you can stay ahead of exposing unpatched or unsafe services to the internet and keep your workforce systems patched and configured safely in a timely fashion, you’ll make it difficult to impossible for attackers to use known exploits (one of the most common methods in 2021) to achieve the access they need to carry out the rest of their campaign using that technique.

←←💥 Attack surface management: Safeguarding gateways

Even before our brave, newly expanded world of remote work, organizations needed ways for their workforce to access critical systems and applications outside the confines of the intranet. These include solutions such as virtual private networks (VPNs), remote desktop protocol (RDP), Citrix, and similar technologies. By their nature, these systems need to be configured well from the start, patched almost immediately, and require trusted authorized access (more on that in the last “boom").

Your team needs to monitor each gateway vendor for patch/mitigation announcements and partner with all critical stakeholders to ensure you can change configurations or patch in an expedited fashion — which may mean having enough capacity and redundancy to take one set of systems down for patching but still let work continue. You should also have continuous configuration monitoring to ensure settings stay the way you need them to be.

←←←💥 Credentials, credentials, credentials

We discussed remote access in the previous section, and gaining remote access generally requires some sort of authentication and authorization. No external gateway, and no critical external application, should be accessible without a solid multi-factor authentication solution in place. Credentials are regularly up for sale on criminal marketplaces, and sellers test them regularly to ensure freshness. If you allow gateway or critical application access with just a single factor, you’ve pretty much handed the keys over to your adversaries.

Similarly, when a new breach is disclosed that includes stolen credential databases, it’s important to monitor services such as Have I Been Pwned and have a process in place to quickly reset any potentially compromised accounts (usually based on email address).

Staying left of boom: A general approach

The 3 examples covered here are important, but they’re far from the full picture. We encourage teams to look at all the forms of initial access and examine them through the lens of their threat assessment and remediation analysis library, so they can see all the areas that need to be covered and apply appropriate preventative measures. If your team doesn’t have said library, a good place to start is over at the MITRE bookshelf, where you can find free, vendor-agnostic, detailed resources on how to establish such a program in your organization.

However, a strong public-facing posture, solid service configurations, and multi-factor authentication will have your organization well-positioned to avoid many negative outcomes.

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