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HistoryMar 19, 2024 - 5:26 p.m.

Navigating Evolving Cybersecurity: Recent Trends and Future Outlook

Indrani Das
zero trust architectures
ai automation
remote work security
ransomware attacks
cybersecurity trends
vulnerability management

7.5 High

AI Score



> “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

  • Winston Churchill

While Churchill may not have been the first person to use a variation of this quote, the essence of its meaning rang true then and still does today. In this spirit, and so that we may collectively learn and evolve our cybersecurity practices based on what we’ve learned in the recent past, Qualys brings to you a comprehensive guide that offers a detailed analysis of the top five cybersecurity trends of the past year and forecasts for the top five emerging trends for the next. Designed for CISOs, CIOs, and cybersecurity professionals, this guide aims to provide insights into the dynamic field of cybersecurity and vulnerability management.

Top 5 Trends of Last Year

Last year, we witnessed significant developments in cybersecurity, impacting various industries globally and underscoring the continuous evolution and complexities of cybersecurity threats and solutions.

  1. Increased Emphasis on Zero Trust Architectures: In 2023, organizations increasingly adopted various Zero Trust security models, shifting away from the traditional 'trust but verify' approach. The Zero Trust frameworks provided by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and the Department of Defense (DoD) are the most popular and operate on the principle of "never trust, always verify." This requires strict identity verification for every person and device trying to access resources on a private network, regardless of whether they are sitting within or outside of the network perimeter. This trend led to a surge in the implementation of more robust authentication methods, micro-segmentation, and least privilege access controls. The model's popularity grew due to its effectiveness in mitigating data breaches and insider threats. Zero Trust also applies to all assets, including endpoints. NIST advises that organizations should look beyond Identity Access Management (IAM) to ensure proper asset scans and verification as well.
  2. Rise of AI and Automation in Threat Detection and Response: Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning, and automation became pivotal in enhancing cybersecurity defenses last year. These technologies were leveraged to predict, identify, and respond to cyber threats with greater speed and accuracy than traditional methods. Organizations have invested in AI-driven security systems for real-time threat intelligence, automated incident response, and predictive analytics. This shift not only improved efficiency but also helped in addressing the growing skills gap in the cybersecurity sector. Automation, especially for threat remediation, can dramatically lower manual tasks and time, thereby reducing headcount and costs for analysis and triage.
  3. Expansion of Remote Work and its Security Implications: The continuation and expansion of remote work environments in 2023 brought new cybersecurity challenges. The blending of personal and professional data environments heightened the risk of data breaches and cyber-attacks. This led to a heightened focus on securing remote access, enhancing VPN security, and adopting cloud-based security solutions. There was also an increased emphasis on employee education and awareness training to mitigate risks posed by remote work setups. Notoriously insecure home WiFi infrastructures spurred many CISOs to feel as if they had hundreds or thousands of remote data centers to manage. WiFi brute force attacks became one of the most prevalent vectors for ransomware attacks.
  4. Sophistication of Ransomware Attacks: Ransomware attacks became more sophisticated in the past year, targeting larger organizations and critical infrastructure with more devastating consequences. Attackers adopted new techniques like double extortion, where they not only encrypted the victim's data but also threatened to leak it publicly. Businesses and governments ramped up their defenses against ransomware through more sophisticated backup and recovery solutions, as well as improved security protocols. Collaborative efforts between private and public sectors also intensified to combat the rising ransomware threat. Thorough and immediate remediation of vulnerabilities can be critical to avoid lateral movement when networks are infected to prevent threat actors from gaining a foothold that can lead to an attack.
  5. Heightened Focus on Regulatory Compliance and Data Privacy: In 2023, we saw an increased focus on regulatory compliance and data privacy, driven by the implementation of new data protection laws and regulations worldwide. Organizations prioritized compliance with regulations such as PCI DSS 4.0, GDPR, CCPA, and many others, integrating them into their cybersecurity strategies. This trend underscored the need for privacy-by-design frameworks, as well as enhanced data governance and management practices. Nearly all compliance regulations require the protection of personally identifiable information (PII). Security professionals are now prioritizing cybersecurity solutions that can effectively discover and remediate vulnerabilities and threats targeting PII, as well as create custom reports required by auditors.

Future Outlook: What to Expect in Cybersecurity

As we move forward, the cybersecurity landscape is expected to evolve with new technologies and strategies. Here are five key trends to watch out for.

  1. AI/ML Driven Cyber Defense: AI will continue to revolutionize cybersecurity, with more advanced predictive models and automated response mechanisms. Advanced AI algorithms capable of predicting and neutralizing threats before they materialize and increased reliance on machine learning models will make systems more proactive rather than reactive.
  2. Focus on De-risking Business Over Defeating Attackers: For many years, security leaders focused on getting and staying ahead of attackers over all else. But with so much of business now online, and business operations relying on their technologies to stay up to support the mission-critical platforms, it’s time to shift this mindset to focus on de-risking the business in order to beat the competition. Yes, staying ahead of adversaries is one component, but it’s about taking a mindful approach where actions to do so must be weighed against the goals of the business and operational impact.
  3. Increased Regulatory Compliance and Privacy Concerns: As cyber threats evolve, so do regulations. Data privacy and compliance are becoming increasingly complex and crucial. Stricter regulatory requirements across different regions and industries. Enhanced focus on compliance as a core aspect of cybersecurity strategies.
  4. Rise of IoT Security Challenges: The proliferation of IoT devices introduces new vulnerabilities and expands the attack surface. We’ll continue to see more of these types of attacks initiated through connected devices in 2024, requiring enhanced security protocols for IoT devices.
  5. **Proactive Mitigation of Tech Debt:**End-of-life (EoL) and end-of-support (EoS) hardware, software, and operating systems can introduce unnecessary risk to the business. While it's unrealistic to eliminate EoL/EoS completely, security leaders need a single view of upcoming tech debt prioritized by business risk. This allows CISOs to align with CIOs (who usually control the budget required for mitigation steps) and proactively eliminate risk from tech debt.

Staying Ahead in the Cybersecurity Game

The review of the past year and the outlook for the future highlight the dynamic nature of cybersecurity. Staying informed and adaptable is key to successfully navigating this ever-changing landscape. For cybersecurity professionals, the journey involves continuous learning, adapting to new technologies, and implementing proactive strategies to safeguard against emerging threats.

To hear more of what select Qualys experts think is on the horizon in cybersecurity, go to our 2024: Security Outlook: Predictions, Trends, Preparation webinar.


  • Lisa Bilawski, Senior Content Marketing Manager

7.5 High

AI Score

