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packetstormJohannes GreilPACKETSTORM:80901
HistorySep 02, 2009 - 12:00 a.m.

JSFTemplating / Mojarra Scales / GlassFish File Disclosure

Johannes Greil
`SEC Consult Security Advisory < 20090901-0 >  
title: File disclosure vulnerability in JSFTemplating,   
Mojarra Scales and GlassFish Application Server v3 Admin  
products: JSFTemplating (FileStreamer/PhaseListener component)  
Mojarra Scales  
GlassFish Application Server v3 Preview (Admin console)  
vulnerable version: JSFTemplating: all versions < v1.2.11  
Mojarra Scales: all versions < v1.3.2  
GlassFish: v3 Preview  
fixed version: JSFTemplating: v1.2.11  
Mojarra Scales: v1.3.2  
GlassFish: v2 is not affected according to vendor  
impact: critical  
found: 2009-07-01  
by: J. Greil / SEC Consult /  
Vendor description:  
Templating for JavaServer™ Faces Technology plugs into JavaServer™ Faces to  
make building pages and components easy.  
Creating pages or components is done using a template file. JSFTemplating's  
design allows for multiple syntaxes, currently it supports 2 of its own plus  
most of the Facelets syntax. All syntaxes support all of JSFTemplating's  
features such as PageSession, Events & Handlers, dynamic reloading of page  
conent, etc.  
also see:  
Vulnerability overview/description:  
The JSFTemplating FileStreamer functionality (when using the PhaseListener),  
basically used for including static or dynamic content, such as Yahoo UI API  
files with Mojarra Scales, is vulnerable to   
* file disclosure and also allows an attacker   
* to retrieve directory listings of the whole server  
Furthermore Mojarra Scales and the GlassFish Application Server (v3 Preview)  
Admin console are using vulnerable components too.  
JSFTemplating/FileStreamer can be exploited to read sensitive application data  
on the whole server depending on the configuration. One tested server allowed  
us to access all files on the server (with rights of the webserver user),  
another server was restricted to files within the webroot (but including  
WEB-INF) - it might depend on the Java Security Model or filesystem rights.  
An attacker is able to gain sensitive data such as configuration files  
(WEB-INF/web.xml), the whole source code of the application or other sensitive  
data on the server.  
Furthermore it is possible to retrieve directory listings of directories on  
the whole server and the webroot by specifying a directory instead of a file.  
Proof of concept:  
The URLs to exploit this vulnerability may differ from server to server. The  
vulnerable HTTP parameters are usually named "filename" or "file".  
By specifying the following URLs an attacker gains access to sensitive  
configuration files, source code or other possibly sensitive files:  
By using an empty value for the file/filename parameter, a directory listing of  
the webroot is being shown. Directory traversal is also possible but it depends  
on the installation/configuration whether it is possible to access data outside  
the webroot.  
Vulnerable versions:  
* all versions < v1.2.11  
Mojarra Scales:  
* all versions < v1.3.2  
* v3 Preview (Admin console)  
According to the vendor, GlassFish v2 does not use vulnerable components.  
Vendor contact timeline:  
2009-07-07: Contacting the developers of JSFTemplating by email.  
2009-07-07: Very fast response from the developers by email and IRC, initial  
attempts to fix the issue were being made  
2009-07-08: Agreed on taking a further look into the issue by the end of July  
2009-07-30: Contacted the developers again, they need more time  
2009-08-10/13: Asked the developers for any news  
2009-08-14: Anwser that the fix will make it into next release  
2009-08-31: Fixes for JSFTemplating and Mojarra Scales available  
2009-09-01: Coordinated release date  
Special thanks to Jason and Ken!  
* Upgrade to the latest version of JSFTemplating, v1.2.11 has the fix:  
CVS commit logs with some information regarding new security features can be  
found here:  
* Upgrade to the latest version of Mojarra Scales, v1.3.2 has the fix:  
* GlassFish: Use the current stable version v2 or see workaround section for v3.  
GlassFish v3 Preview: Use strong passwords for the GlassFish Admin console and  
restrict access to the Admin console port (4848).  
Advisory URL:  
SEC Consult Unternehmensberatung GmbH  
Office Vienna  
Mooslackengasse 17  
A-1190 Vienna  
Tel.: +43 / 1 / 890 30 43 - 0  
Fax.: +43 / 1 / 890 30 43 - 25  
Mail: research at sec-consult dot com  
SEC Consult conducts periodical information security workshops on ISO   
27001/BS 7799 in cooperation with BSI Management Systems. For more   
information, please refer to  
EOF J. Greil / @2009  